Active Member
ever heard of an illadelph tri-coil???ya thats the best way to smoke lol. google that crap
DAYUM! I gotsta get me one of dem!
ever heard of an illadelph tri-coil???ya thats the best way to smoke lol. google that crap
you got it bro!I'm guessing your weapon of choice is
wow i am so thinking about gas masks right now thank u so much for bringing up i am building my army mask into a bowl sort thing right now its so much fun omg
wish i had some pot to test it with sadly i ran outs all im left with is a very good smelling plastic bag
You guys keep talking about magnifying glasses, why not just buy an electric lighter? They even make USB rechargeable versions.
Don't those still use fuel? The point of a solar hit is to avoid the taste of fuel from a lighter.
nah.. they are like a mini toaster.. a coil heats up and you light your shit on that...
I love a blueberry blunt personally. Love the taste, love the buzz... sit back and just sip on yur gin & juice... just kidding. They're great though.. I bought a box about a month ago under the table at a variety store for $30. They are illegal here. So I asked the store keeper anyway (hey worst they can say is no). Not to sound racist or anything - cause I'm NOT... but if you go into an Indian (east Indian), or Arabic store.. they have them.. just have to ask - and if they don't think you look like 5.0 they'll usually pull out a secret box.
I used to burn brown suga papers... same thing.. can't get em in Canada anymore... so if you move up here bring some boxes and I'll buy em off you.
And don't forget, for PURE hits you can get a magnifying glass on sunny days and use it to light the bowl...Clean, no butane, burns a little cooler, tastes PURE...No fuel/butane, just the power of the sun!