Best ways to tell someone to pass the bowl


Well-Known Member
do u wana buy the bong off me :D ?

would u like me to watch u all night darling ?

How bout passing that shit :DD:D:D !!!!?????

u got weed, she no... u ... Exaclty.. pass that shit ^^

ahhh- hope that was funny enough for ya :D


Well-Known Member
we always just make that squirting noise where you push air thru the back of your two front teeth with your tongue. like a mouse noise or whatever. do it twice. dsssst, dsssssst.


Well-Known Member
If you don't wanna sound like a dick just give um a lil reminder like,"Soooooo, what's up with that bowl?" or just "So is that thing cashed or....."


Well-Known Member
If they do hoard the bowl, just make sure to give them the nasty! Be like...there is still a FAT hit left....then watch the look on thier face when they blow it out....hehehe Been doin it for years!!


Well-Known Member
I smoke with a bunch of nerdy computer gamer types.

They always say something like "Stop camping the bong."
or "Are you going to pitch a tent and roast marshmallows too?"

Me, on the other hand. I just stare the person straight in the face. When they notice what I'm doing, I'll motion my eyes at the bong/jay/pipe.