Best weed for selling & Making Money



where do you guys think most of the good stuff comes from. in my area people would laugh if you tried selling them ganja for more than 300 zip. take an hour ride to the city, yes i have friends,associates, and they jump through hoops to get the goods. i smoke for free hopefully most of us do and i dont rob my friends just the non white boys. peace

lol i got some genetics you would pay well over 300 for the oz. you will pay 400 or better and think you got plugged up, cuzz you can seel grams of it for 25-even 30 bux to connosueirs that wont even bitch at the price


Well-Known Member
where do you guys think most of the good stuff comes from. in my area people would laugh if you tried selling them ganja for more than 300 zip. take an hour ride to the city, yes i have friends,associates, and they jump through hoops to get the goods. i smoke for free hopefully most of us do and i dont rob my friends just the non white boys. peace

U my freind r a racist. thats sad, its 2010 and ur still hating!?

Because 9/10 chances are the person posting this thread is under eighteen for one. He wouldn't need the money if he was over eighteen because if he was I'm assuming he would be working to be able to afford all those seeds.

80%+ of his customers are going to be minors. That's something i prefer not to believe in.

I believe in growing weed to smoke it. Making a little side cash is fine but do it responsibly to people over eighteen who are patients.

i seal to my friends, they r not patients, or they would take there bizness to a clinic, so wat would b the point in that


Well-Known Member
lol i got some genetics you would pay well over 300 for the oz. you will pay 400 or better and think you got plugged up, cuzz you can seel grams of it for 25-even 30 bux to connosueirs that wont even bitch at the price

shit u CANT complain about...HYPE MANin IT! lol

Confidential Herb

Active Member
California incarceration time for selling/cultivation:

Because you can make a lot of profit and out price the clinics, by a lot. Trust me I've been around this wheel more times then all of you have I bet. I'll tell you my story.

I was a known seller in the Los Angeles area. I dealt with pounds and a minimum of QP/transaction. There were no "dubs" being sold. I'm telling you now that if you are going to sell you better know what you are getting into and better be able to take responsibility for your actions once you get caught. I cashed out at around $65,000. I also spent four years in prison. I was making my name known on the streets... And you know what? I'm sitting at home with my parents enjoying dinner next thing I know I got the feds at my door with a search warrant.

I got brought down in-front of my whole family. Everyone and everything I care about.

I'm not going to repeat this but don't make the same mistake that I did. Adult crime = Adult time * Just keep growing and smoke your own shit.. If your going to sell just sell enough for you to re-purchase seeds if needed and pay for your electricity bill. ** That's it. One tip I can give you, Is if your going to do this. Make sure you pay all your bills on time.


Well-Known Member
mister sinister started the racist shit when he said he robs white boys. i dont buy weed id sell it to friends for 300 suckers get robbed. anyone connected knows how it is. goodnight.


Well-Known Member
California incarceration time for selling/cultivation:

Because you can make a lot of profit and out price the clinics, by a lot. Trust me I've been around this wheel more times then all of you have I bet. I'll tell you my story.

I was a known seller in the Los Angeles area. I dealt with pounds and a minimum of QP/transaction. There were no "dubs" being sold. I'm telling you now that if you are going to sell you better know what you are getting into and better be able to take responsibility for your actions once you get caught. I cashed out at around $65,000. I also spent four years in prison. I was making my name known on the streets... And you know what? I'm sitting at home with my parents enjoying dinner next thing I know I got the feds at my door with a search warrant.

I got brought down in-front of my whole family. Everyone and everything I care about.

I'm not going to repeat this but don't make the same mistake that I did. Adult crime = Adult time * Just keep growing and smoke your own shit.. If your going to sell just sell enough for you to re-purchase seeds if needed and pay for your electricity bill. ** That's it. One tip I can give you, Is if your going to do this. Make sure you pay all your bills on time.
yea my freinds a total liar! he wasnt REALLY enrolled in the werk program with the charges i just spoke of, i should hav known:sad:

ps, im 21, and hes no younger than me. AND ur most likely a greedy dumbass thats y. lol. GET LEGAL!!!!!! i am.

mister sinister started the racist shit when he said he robs white boys. i dont buy weed id sell it to friends for 300 suckers get robbed. anyone connected knows how it is. goodnight.

wow, ok?....i have no clue wat u just said.:-P
I gave a friend of mine an ounce of shrooms. He is now in prison for being stupid and selling it to high schoolers.

Never again.

though I guess that's a little different.
sodalite calm ya country ass down pls. U prob aint gro nuttin but corn where u live. U need to pick up a dam book and educate ur redneck ass. Id love to see u try to sell some weed in da hood. U'd get robbed countless times in a one block radius :razz:


Well-Known Member
you speak english where your from? im not going to argue with you cause the blacks are always right. and i dont do buisiness with dime selling street niggas. can you read a book cause you cant spell.


Well-Known Member
If blacks were always right then why did they let the white man dominate him for all those years?
That was not a racist remark, it was merely a statement. I live on both sides of the country, West and East, and when I used to sell I could triple my profit by bringing the weed I had from the West out to East and sell it to rednecks and even more racist versions of rednecks. Just a tip, don't cross statelines with it. I didn't get arrested for it but my buddy did and is now facing a life sentence. And another tip is to sell to people that you trust with your life.


Well-Known Member
If blacks were always right then why did they let the white man dominate him for all those years?
That was not a racist remark, it was merely a statement. I live on both sides of the country, West and East, and when I used to sell I could triple my profit by bringing the weed I had from the West out to East and sell it to rednecks and even more racist versions of rednecks. Just a tip, don't cross statelines with it. I didn't get arrested for it but my buddy did and is now facing a life sentence. And another tip is to sell to people that you trust with your life.

DAMN! wen i was 18 i was slangin to peeps that were 14. yall worry too much. gotta make that monee. i dont aymore, but the sad part about it, if i still knew them, i probably would still seel to them. trust is to be earned, not givin is wat i say. you all hav sum FUCKED up laws and shit. MAN CALI is the shit! ive been caught COUNTless times blazing, or just holding a sak on the personal~! NEVER been arrested fer it, EVEN with my priors (3 felonies, a strike, and 7 misdameanors) WEED aint shit, and NOW with a MEDICAL CARD there aint shit TOOO worry about. THIS is y i could NEVER go back east to that erea. ya get too butt-hurt too easy. "hes got a chopped up plant in his pocket!!!, ARREST HIM!!!!!!!"


Well-Known Member

DAMN! wen i was 18 i was slangin to peeps that were 14. yall worry too much. gotta make that monee. i dont aymore, but the sad part about it, if i still knew them, i probably would still seel to them. trust is to be earned, not givin is wat i say. you all hav sum FUCKED up laws and shit. MAN CALI is the shit! ive been caught COUNTless times blazing, or just holding a sak on the personal~! NEVER been arrested fer it, EVEN with my priors (3 felonies, a strike, and 7 misdameanors) WEED aint shit, and NOW with a MEDICAL CARD there aint shit TOOO worry about. THIS is y i could NEVER go back east to that erea. ya get too butt-hurt too easy. "hes got a chopped up plant in his pocket!!!, ARREST HIM!!!!!!!"
how do u get caught countless times blazing or holding a sak? do u smoke by the police station and wave your bag of weed around? You should grow all them strains from your first post and give it to med pats. that really need it instead of sellin it to kids...

Confidential Herb

Active Member
yea my freinds a total liar! he wasnt REALLY enrolled in the werk program with the charges i just spoke of, i should hav known:sad:

ps, im 21, and hes no younger than me. AND ur most likely a greedy dumbass thats y. lol. GET LEGAL!!!!!! i am.

You act all surprised. Stop making up lies yeah? I doubt your 21 and I doubt your even 18 sitting here getting all defensive when I proved you wrong, horrible. Your probably just the right height where you can suck mine without getting on your knees.

Get out


Well-Known Member
yea my freinds a total liar! he wasnt REALLY enrolled in the werk program with the charges i just spoke of, i should hav known:sad:

ps, im 21, and hes no younger than me. AND ur most likely a greedy dumbass thats y. lol. GET LEGAL!!!!!! i am.

You act all surprised. Stop making up lies yeah? I doubt your 21 and I doubt your even 18 sitting here getting all defensive when I proved you wrong, horrible. Your probably just the right height where you can suck mine without getting on your knees.

Get out


u see the birthday.:mrgreen: and if u think thats fake, look in the right backround at the 'pharmacy' bag full of SWEET SWEET ganja FROM A BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL clinic. i TRIED to warn u, now u make me MAKE YOU look stoopid. I am Sorry about that. Greedy bastard.

Confidential Herb

Active Member
yea, i wouldnt post again neither! :blsmoke:
Listen, I could care less if you are legal. You are a disappointment and a waste of a social security # in my opinion. I doubt you do anyone good in your life besides supply them with illegal medicine that you are harvesting.

I can't wait till you get caught, enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Listen, I could care less if you are legal. You are a disappointment and a waste of a social security # in my opinion. I doubt you do anyone good in your life besides supply them with illegal medicine that you are harvesting.

I can't wait till you get caught, enjoy!
like i spoke of b4, i live in cali, POT FRIENDLY!!!!!!! wat DONT u get about that?? its a very VERY easy concept.I AM LEGAL TO SMOKE!!!! so ask urself again wat is there to get caught for?? i SPACIFICALY said 'wen i was 18' so I DONT seal ANYMORE. i dont do anything with my life right now but grow. im sorry if i disapointed u.:cry:

i get that alot.

JUST READ THIS do u get caught countless times blazing or holding a sak?

Blaze out side. this is wen i was 18 im talking about. FYI

do u smoke by the police station and wave your bag of weed around?


You should grow all them strains from your first post and give it to med pats.

as long as they

that really need it instead of sellin it to kids... 02-11-2010 08:38 AM

i did say i dont seel anymore right??


Well-Known Member
peace. im done with the flaming and bragging anyone can be whatever they want here its the internet. argueing is usless unless people can be reasonable, and quit being liars. half of you are living with your parents. im here to share and learn some. this is the same shit i used to listen to on overgrow the last site i posted on. nothing changes. peace to all,one life. and to whoever called me a racist pm me if you want we can speak,anyone for that matter.