Best weed movies!!


Please post if you got some badass weed movies. But NOT things like comedies and just people getting high. MEaning more of 'How to" grow films or Biographies please!! I saw one yesterday on Netflix at was all about a family living in CA and how they grew in the forest. T
hat kind of stuff.
Here are some of mine:

1. The Matrix (Morphius sounds like a bloody genious when you watch this high - make sure you have some munchie food with you)
2. Inception (really hard to follow but still conceptually great)
3. Paranormal Activity (freaks you out)
4. The Exorcist (also freaks you the fck out) ==> but these experiences are worth it.
5. Dazed and Confused
6. Pineapple Express
7. Minority Report
8. Star Wars (any day)
9. Mel Gibson's Apocolypto (really fcked up movie. Only gets enhanced when you're ripped)
10. Harold and Kumar: White castle (always going to be an original classic)


Well-Known Member
1.) the union: the business behind getting high
2.) super high me

top 2 documentaries i can think of at the moment...


Well-Known Member
jorge cervantes stuff is pretty entertaining for growing

also even though i think arjan from greenhouse seeds is a douche or well not really a douche but just more of having no personality the vids they have called strain hunters is pretty entertaining


Well-Known Member
Trailer Park Boys? 55 episodes, 3 (I think) movies, 1 Christmas Special

:) I discovered it last year and watched it all in a week or so


Well-Known Member
I like the Scary Movie movies...watching part 2 thismorning...the parrot is fuckin haliarious.


Active Member
THE UNION: The Business Behind Getting High, is a documentary that anyone who has ever heard of marijuana should watch. Parts made me tear up.

Leaves of Green with Edward Norton is crazy.

Chef Herb; any of his films. They are like cheap cooking videos, but my ganja butter glows in the dark after watching his videos.

A little off topic but a documentary called: Know Your Mushrooms, is fantastic.