Best Yielding Plants


Active Member
i'm sorry, but 32oz dry off one of those, i seriously doubt that :) dried harvest pictures pleaseeeeeee
thats why i never speak about my yield caz u just cop crap from everyone, dont worry i used to do the same, 32oz dry from 1 plant might seem impressive but when u think about it, it vegged for 2 months and 1600watts of light is under the gram per wat ratio of a good yielder. some kid doing a SOG could have 2 harvest in that time and out yielded me, i just like to grow them that big and less plants incase i get busted. there are a few growers on here that i learned from that yield more then me like Hieth robison and M blaze so its not unachievable. ill post dry harvest when there done


New Member
Want 3 lbs. per plant? Grow outdoors..... it nigh impossible indoors.....without a seriously major investment. You could at that point grow outside for 1/5 the cost.


Well-Known Member
2 pound and above indoor plants have up to 4kw each on them, and yes you really can grow them that big and more indoors.

It just takes longer veg time, a lot of light, rdwc or aero, sealed rooms, climate controls, co2, 5 ton or more air conditions, and a very very big power bill.
Best Yielding Plants

Having a med card and doing it legal is a whole new ballgame. If you are like most of us that do not have that luxury then you would grt busted very quick with 4k watts on each plant hence making it impossible for the common grower. +rep for that monster my man. Must be nice.


Well-Known Member
Growing outdoors does make a big difference to the overall size and yield of plants. I have never in my life had one yield 3 lbs. I guess I am not growing the right types of strains for that kind of yield. I prefer ones that finish a bit earlier so I don't have to worry about the frost killing them off in the fall before they are fully matured. It's kinda nice to be able to harvest in Mid/Late September with no worries. And i give props to any one who can get even a pound off one.


New Member
3 lbs. is OVER THE TOP ... even for outdoors..... any one who says they do it all the time INDOORS .... well....:wink: It's the internet.


Well-Known Member
Having a med card and doing it legal is a whole new ballgame. If you are like most of us that do not have that luxury then you would grt busted very quick with 4k watts on each plant hence making it impossible for the common grower. +rep for that monster my man. Must be nice.
Plus rep the guy who did them, it's not me. I am a legal med grower and I could do that setup, I have some of the stuff and the space, but I don't have the big funds needed to do it.

If you want to see the guys who are doing it, regularly, here is where it's at.


Active Member
hahahah estesj its not as expensive as u would think, there is 4k hitting each plant but its not 4k per plant each light is hitting 2 plants. alot of guys spend so much money on all these expensive nutes and hydrop setups and 50 pots under a couple lights, my setup would probably be cheaper for 1 plant caz its only a 600w and 1000w and 1 pot everything else is the same as someone else with 2 lights, i use a cheapo nutes and 1 additive. and i hand feed them so if u weigh up the cost of 1 plant its fuck all


New Member
I use a flux capacitor..... not only does it grow great weed, but I can go back in time and harvest the same plant over and over again.


Well-Known Member
hahahahah I just came back from lunch and read this. Marty you have to come to come to the future and see something! what is it doc? It's your daughter....she marries a black man!


New Member
I hate to tell of the KKK dudes out there.... but in the future everyone is BROWN. We were going to import some "whities" from the past, but then we all smoked a bowl and realized that was an incredibly stupid idea.....

New Member
I agree with ESTESJ if you are getting more than a quarter off an indoor grow you are doing well. In my own cultivation experience I have had good success with "critical mass" and "angel tear" both plants yielded substantially more than their peers of bubba kush, trainwreck and G13. Critical Mass gets its name because it is a plant with dense node clusters that yields significant bud. Down here is San Diego we get both Angel Tear and Critical mass to yield anywhere from 4-6 oz in a well maintained indoor grow... If it is outdoor I would multiply that number...that's my 2 cents...good luck


Well-Known Member
Yea You are considered the man for getting 1lb off an outdoor plant. That's a 4800 plant around my way.