Bestva 2000 W cover size


Hello friends,
I wanna start to grow. There is many diffetent information about growing.

I wanna ask u what is cover size for Bestva 2000.

I plan to 40 auto plants in 10 m square. How many bestva led i need?
Kindly regards


Well-Known Member

English isn't your native language, but pretty sure Google works around the world

I found the coverage in about 12seconds, 1/10 of the time to make this post

And, based on my findings, youllneed A LOT for that footage


Well-Known Member
Ok, good point, I would have added that tidbit in you OP

I'd say it does a 2'x2' area.. so you can figure out how many for your area with that


Well-Known Member
Yeah 2x4 for each light mate. The thing with blurples though is the penetration sucks.
So if you want to get any sort of a decent yield you need to keep your plants short and wide. The taller your plants get the less you will yield.