Bet No One Can Tell Me Whats Wrong With These Plants


New Member
yup possibly over watering and starting to show minor defiency i would let the m go dry then add light dose of food :))
the soil is natural organic garden and veatgable mix it was the best i could find at lowes will switch to fox farm soil when ready for 5 gallon pot the problem im having may be from over watering but thats due from me having to drown out the fungus gnat problem i was starting to have i used natural pryrenthin to kill them and the spot are due to that just wanted to see if anybody knew or regonized it. wonder if i didnt mention my ph level was good, how many people would of told me that was my probably lol


Well-Known Member
Bet No One Can Tell Me Whats Wrong With These Plants ..its not the plant thats wrong..Its the grower.