bet you can't identify this

A proper noun is a capitalized word that says the name of a person, place, organization or thing.
"dragon skin" is a descriptor but not a proper noun.
In science, proper nouns for an object or phenomenon are typically a component of the overall name, e.g. islets of Langerhans, a Venn diagram or a Plinian eruption.

So I am waiting to hear after whom this ice phenomenon is named. It is a proper noun after all.
Bet you can't identify this -


It's a Penispillar, or Caterpenis depending on where you're from...
A proper noun is a capitalized word that says the name of a person, place, organization or thing.
"dragon skin" is a descriptor but not a proper noun.
In science, proper nouns for an object or phenomenon are typically a component of the overall name, e.g. islets of Langerhans, a Venn diagram or a Plinian eruption.

So I am waiting to hear after whom this ice phenomenon is named. It is a proper noun after all.
I knew someone was going to call me out on that...of course it was you. Indeed it's dragon skin.