Bet you've never seen anything like this before! whorled phyllotaxy + pictures


Strain - Dutch Passion / White Widow

Has ANYONE seen anything like this before? :o

a whorled phyllotaxy pruned just above the second node (aka uncle bens topping technique) and it wasn't realised until after that the remaining shoots had whorled phyllotaxy btw. (3 shoots per node instead of 2)

Even better, it was confirmed female 5 weeks into veg with lots of pre-flowers yum yum. Standing 12inches high the lights got flipped. (took a long time to get to 12inches) compared to the other, assuming this is due to the extra foliage growth?

ok so if this isnt all weird enough, 2 days into flower one of the dominant arms begins to separate itself into two! all by its self. both with whorled phyllotaxy also! pictures included. :weed:

it topped its self? is this normal??? the other side hasnt. what the hells going on lol. btw the bottom two shoots have never really developed much as seen. its got two very dominant tops.

potted into 18ltr/4 gallon pots. her sister (Also pictured) has developed as expected, without any mutations!



Well-Known Member
I`ve had that before,..what I thought was pre-flowers because of the peel back,..turned out to be a male !!

I`ve never seen it do that on a female !!


I`ve had that before,..what I thought was pre-flowers because of the peel back,..turned out to be a male !!

I`ve never seen it do that on a female !!
yeh a lot of people report a higher ratio of males when this happens. but was a feminized seed to start with. Its got pre-flowers everywhere with pistels shooting out all over, its great... but really worried about the bud density and mould... especially with all that folliage, and now its split its self again, its only going to get even more mental!

p.s picture is of the shoot splitting off into two, not of the pre-flowers btw. i dont think there is any actually in that pic except new growth.


Have some right now... Cloned a mother and 3 out of 6 kept the trait... Mine are Purple Wreck :)

but did you ever have it go from one top to two? granted this has been pruned for four tops, but one of those 4 has split into two! one of the tops has begun to split off as two, both with 3 nodes again... its a jungle!


Well-Known Member
did u ever have any fungus or mould problems due to the inner humidity of the plant. (it being more dense)
No, but I have a fan right on them... My yield was about 25% more but the extra trimming wasn't worth it to me. Haven't decided if I'll keep them after this next go around.


No, but I have a fan right on them... My yield was about 25% more but the extra trimming wasn't worth it to me. Haven't decided if I'll keep them after this next go around.

fair enough. and trimming is the best bit! what are you on about! lol


Well-Known Member
fair enough. and trimming is the best bit! what are you on about! lol
Just took the mom down... Clone are just about 12". Normal trimming is okay but this plant gave me a bunch of undergrowth... Not real flower development, just sadness to see TON of potential popcorn growth that never amounted to anything... I chopped the undergrowth and hung to dry to throw in my hash trimmings.


Well-Known Member
I have a Lemon Kush from Female seeds which was topped and now has 5 main stems if that counts? And she is very bushy.

Here are some pictures.



Well-Known Member
haha thats well cool! nice one. yeh mines doing this but into two, and the fact its already had an unusual topping technique done, added to that its a whorled phyllotaxy just makes it so insane lol :bigjoint:
The best bit about it is, this was only the second time I'd topped a plant(I've grown 7 in total although 2 had to be chopped) and I've tried to replicate this again with all my others, fimming at the same internode at the exact same point as this Lemon Kush but never had the same results! As she's not in flower or preflower yet, I was considering turning this into a mother, but I've not done enough research in that department to and I just want to smoke it :D Lol.


Seen it many times before. In most cases it will eventually grow out of it and back too normal. Healthy looking plants though, nice.
yeh to begin with this plant had grown out of it, while it was growing in its traditional way, the first two nodes had this, then after that it was completely normal. Untill that is i topped it above the second node lol. Leaving it with only these two nodes, it cant generate any new nodes and therefore has nothing to 'outgrow' right? thats what im making of it anyway. ...and cheers 8-)