better method of lighting?

General Kush

Active Member
what should i go with for my first grow, im only using 2 bulbs, 1 2700k 40watt cfl and 1 6500k 40watt cfl...I was wondering what would be better 12/12 from seedling (sense i only have 2 bulbs) or 18/6 for veg then 12/12 during flower. I also want your opinion on if I should use both bulbs at the same time wile doing 12/12 from seedling (if i choose this method) or if i should use both bulbs at the same time while doing 18/6 veg then 12/12(if i choose this method)

keep in mind i dont care about the harvest and want a somewhat small plant... i just want something that'll actually grow and gimmi some bud to try out!

POST any advice!!! thank you!

(I reposted this in this forum because I thought i'de get more feedback...TY!)


Well-Known Member
what should i go with for my first grow, im only using 2 bulbs, 1 2700k 40watt cfl and 1 6500k 40watt cfl...I was wondering what would be better 12/12 from seedling (sense i only have 2 bulbs) or 18/6 for veg then 12/12 during flower. I also want your opinion on if I should use both bulbs at the same time wile doing 12/12 from seedling (if i choose this method) or if i should use both bulbs at the same time while doing 18/6 veg then 12/12(if i choose this method)

keep in mind i dont care about the harvest and want a somewhat small plant... i just want something that'll actually grow and gimmi some bud to try out!

POST any advice!!! thank you!

(I reposted this in this forum because I thought i'de get more feedback...TY!)
man ... just buy one more of each .. and you will be fine .. grow out a bunch of seedlings and when they are about 6 inches tall put them in 12/12 .. cause without that much light a larger plant wouldnt grow as well .. so flowering little plants will be good .. you are using bag seed right?


Well-Known Member
I've started using some 6500K light in my 12/12 system. I use 10% and it has made an improvement but not as much as I would have liked, so I'll add more once I've beefed up the ventilation.
I don't know what the best ratio would be but I notice that many of the newer LED grow systems use 1/3 blue light and I guess they must have based it on some scientific reasoning, so I'll probably try for that eventually.
If you get another 2700 then you would be at 1/3. Might be worth a try. Let's see your results too.


Well-Known Member
Uhh not sure what you mean...i got them from a bud i bought off my dealer
one more of each light .. so u have 2 2700k lights and 2 6500k lights .. it wouldnt be that hard to have 4 instead of 2 will it? cause that would help out alot .. but you can go 12/12 from seedling i guess... i always wanted to grow a munch like 20 seedlings in a container and flower them so it's like a miniature SoG

General Kush

Active Member
yah i could afford 2 more bulbs and stuff but what are those mechanisms where you can screw in 4 light bulbs into 1 thing and then you plug that thing into an outlet...kinda like a y splitter but a 4-way i guess?

General Kush

Active Member
i have 1 more question....when i get 4 bulbs (2 2700k)40w and (2 6500k)40w cfls should i use all of them at the same time or only the 6500ks during veg then switch to the 2700k's


Well-Known Member
i have 1 more question....when i get 4 bulbs (2 2700k)40w and (2 6500k)40w cfls should i use all of them at the same time or only the 6500ks during veg then switch to the 2700k's
yeah use them all .. put 1 of each in each splitter ... like this

(2700k)-[ ]-(6500k)

(6500k(-[ ]-(2700k)

get the diagram?

General Kush

Active Member
yah alrite ty for the u think 20 or 26 watts would work just as good cus i cant afford the dam 42 watts like 8 bucks each and i only got like 25 bucks


Well-Known Member
yah alrite ty for the u think 20 or 26 watts would work just as good cus i cant afford the dam 42 watts like 8 bucks each and i only got like 25 bucks
just get the biggest you can afford for increased products .. cause the 20w wouldnt work as well as the higher watt bulbs .. also be careful cause those lights get HOT .. make sure your area is well exhausted .. they may burn your plants if u arent careful

Brick Top

New Member
but I notice that many of the newer LED grow systems use 1/3 blue light and I guess they must have based it on some scientific reasoning, so I'll probably try for that eventually.

The scientific reasoning is that the different LED grow lights produce nothing but 100% PAR light meaning they produce no light spectrums that plants cannot and will not use. In HID lighting up to 82% of the light spectrum is light that plants cannot and will not use. That means two things, one is you are paying for wasted light and the other is that some of the spectrums put off are ones that produce large amounts of heat so you need to have adequate ventilation.

You can purchase LED grow lights in just the light spectrums for vegging or for flowering or ones that have a combination of all needed light spectrums. Some come in smallish spotlight designs and others in larger flat panel designs and others in light bars and again you can find them in different combinations of light spectrums.

The problem with LED’s are they are very expensive so you need MANY of them to be worth using them and that makes them cost prohibitive to most people today. Another problem is that some manufactures make low quality LED’s, just as some manufacturers make low quality HID or fluorescent grow lights, so you need to research and find quality manufacturers before you purchase any LED’s.

NASA has had great success using LED grow lights. Of course they are not growing herb but they have more than proven that the technology not only works but that it works the best IF used properly as in using high quality LED’s and using enough of them in the right way.

Of course besides only producing 100% PAR light other major benefits are LED’s do not create much heat so your ventilation needs, in regards to heat and not odor control go way down. That means a less elaborate less expensive to purchase and build and to operate ventilation system. They also use an extremely small amount of electricity so that means your monthly electricity costs will not increase as much as using any other form of lighting. Another major benefit is that high quality LED’s have a life expectancy of eleven years so that means you do not have to replace bulbs and ballast’s like with HID lighting or just bulbs like with CFL’s and other types of fluorescent lighting. They are also more durable in other ways so you are far less likely to damage them causing you to need to replace them than other forms of grow lights.

They offer some MAJOR benefits IF you can afford to purchase enough high quality LED’s and know how to use them. If someone cannot do those things then LED’s are not for them.


Well-Known Member
this man is broke and u wanna talk about LED's ... he doesnt wanna hear that garbage ... he has CFL not LED's ...

General Kush

Active Member
i was gonna get 2 40s but sence i need four i cant afford as much......i made the grow room n stuff only need the lighting setup and im good to go....germed my seeds yesterday and planted already


Well-Known Member
Hey Brick top

Good point, well argued, but maybe not appropriate for this thread.

Get what you can for now and add to it when you can General Kush. !04w will get you some bud but you need to read what you can about LST and ScroG.
Good luck with it.