Better than mollases?


Well-Known Member
Pings don't make you a better golfer, but they do instill confidence in the user, and besides there a luxury item like a Rolex or Tag, but at the least speak to you commitment to the game.

Yes I have a custom set of graphite's


Well-Known Member
I had a Wittnauer watch at one time, but now I dont wear watches.

but to stay on topic, I use a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses per gallon. Does it really matter how much you use?


Active Member
I had a Wittnauer watch at one time, but now I dont wear watches.

but to stay on topic, I use a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses per gallon. Does it really matter how much you use?
Absolutely it matters.

Here's an experiment for you.... go take molasses at an extremely strong dosage... like a couple tablespoons in a 12-16 ounce bottle w/ water and go dump it on a weed outside. Long story short you will kill it by overfeeding the microbes in the soil thus burning your plant.

Also you can maximize the bacterial colony in your teas if you correctly feed them the molasses as you brew. (start with a teaspoon for each gallon and after you get some good frothing going on add more guano/ewc or w/e it is you brew with and another teaspoon of molasses) Thx to the 3lb for that info ;)


Well-Known Member .... Well I am a big fan of Dr. Earth. I use the bat guano and bud and bloom formula by them and had the best results over any other product. I just found out they have this "metobolic transformer" product that seems to be a heavy food sustanace for your soil microbes, much more ingredients and symbiotic products than just mollasas...i have the money and i do want to grow the best that i can. I want to no if any one has ever used this product or have any thoughts to this product:?

These are the ingredients

ProMoisture Hydrate[SUP]®[/SUP] Arizona Aloe Vera – ProBiotic[SUP]®[/SUP] Micronized Beneficial Soil Microbes & Mycorrhizae – Northern California Hemp Protein Powder – Brown Rice carbohydrates – Soy Flower Amino Acids – Norwegian Kelp Flower – Alaskan Seaweed Extract – Whole Wheat Carbohydrates – Wild Caught Deep Sea Fish Bone Meal – Extra Virgin Black Strap Kentucky Molasses – North Texas Yucca Extract – Ancient Lignite Humic Acids – Green-fed Earthworm Castings – North Dakota Mined Colloidal Soft Rock Phosphate – Utah Mined Potassium Sulfate & Wisconsin Whey Protein blended with 100% pure Love!

^^^^^this is why i love this company
damn, this mix sounds appealing. i have heard of oatmeal being better for microbes, but im still using good ol blackstrap. and i havent bought mycorrhyzal in a while either, just take weeds from my front yard, cut off the roots and add them to my tea as well as a tablespoon of blackstrap and worm castings/bat guano depending on phase. thanks for the link dtoad +rep


Well-Known Member
The # 1 thing that feeds the microbes is the plant root. Having said that, there's no doubt that 1337 is right on the money