
This is a legal bud that is based off of cannibis plant matter without tHC9, The youtube reviews say that it is legit stuff and gets you high, I am about to be on probation for some dumb shit and I want to talk to a real MJ user who has tried this or knows someone who has. Please help me out. Peace.


Active Member
hey man i have this rule of thumb : if it smells like bullshit and looks like bullshit - probably smokes like bullshit :) if this was legit it wouldve gotten wayyyy bigger than some texts on a website and very "paid" looking guys giving reviews...


Active Member
Sounds similar to K2... doubt it matches up with 'real' buds. Everyone said K2 was the sub to marijuana... identical in fact, if not better. What a let down that was [never tried it] but heard enough about it to know, not to mention how unsafe was that B.S.? Who knows? I don't let anything into my lungs without knowing it's effects, that means years of review, such as the years marijuana has had, to ensure it is safe. You won't catch me BETA testing some 'new' drug, all natural or not... I don't buy into that false-advertisement. An if it isn't false advertisement, still doesn't mean it's healthy, poison-oak is natural to, but you won't catch me smoking it.