beware of cops with these things on their nose--


Well-Known Member
I reckon the only way round it is that Denver is gonna end up looking like one of those satellite images from the wars in Baghdad or Mogadishu where there's loads of stacks of tyres burning on every street corner and massive plumes of black smoke!

Tho any budget growers/tokers who wanna confuse cops would have to just save up their all their plastic baggies to make a little bonfire with!

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
it seems as though you can fight it in court just like a speeding ticket like for margin of error or other contributers other than your house say a niegbor a couple of houses down, it looks like more of an intimidation tool "we have odor reading coming from here told to us by our fancy gadget you are doing something illegal here right.....RIGHT just admit it and i can put it in my report and take you to jail thank you for your cooperation"