Beware of Noob Answers!!!


New Member
Wait, no, YOU pm me for directions!!! Hit me up tomorrow since it's 1 frickin am and your woman would be wondering wtf you're leaving for hahahaha


Well-Known Member
here`s something i try to live by, better to remain silent and thought a fool as to open your mouth and remove all doubt!! it`s not hard to figure out who the idiots are in the world. all forums are the same, it doesn`t matter if it`s a weed forum or an airbrush forum or any other, there`s always someone who wants to be an internet big shot, spouting shit out of the mouth. it`s easy to see who knows shit and who doesn`t and i don`t need pics to figure it out. some of us don`t post pics and we probably never will. here`s something to think about, if someone has only been around a couple months and has 1000 post chances are they are too busy being a wanna be on the internet to be doing anything else.


New Member
Talking shit, shooting shit, bullshitting, and random stoned babbling are going to occur on this site weather you like it or not.

I do however agree with damn near all of what you said. Can't go wrong with your style.


New Member
Its not just noob answers, you have to watch out for the veterans also. There are a few on this site that though their advice is correct but it is out dated and there are better solutions.

Advice is advice, don't bet the farm on advice given here or any other site, do your own research on the advice given and you will be much better off.


Well-Known Member
Does it count if you explain that while you don't know for sure, but you have recently read quite a few articles claiming one thing or another...? Because if that still counts then I'm was me....ooooohhhhhh I let people know up front like this is what the internet has told me and this is where I found it...and newb growers are awesome for helping one poster to another--"my plant looks like this is it this or that"..."aw man it's this...happened to me last week and this is how i fixed it"...So experiences are constantly being is how you learn...does it suck that when you are more experienced you are hounded with the same questions over and over and over? So why shouldn't a new person save you some typing by throwing up a link...? Eh, whateva... I don't know what I am doing, or if I am doing well at all...all I know is that I enjoy doing it, I am learning everyday, and in the end I get to smoke some weed that is better than I can buy so---...
Well put my friend. Im currently helping a noob through a grow and a noob myself. I think his last post was "i couldnt have done this with out your help". Found him with the most pathetic plants ive ever seen and now theyre doing great with his cheap ass set up. The only reason i took him in was that everyone of the people that looked at his plants said, "throw them out and start over, id never spend money keeping those things alive". If i planted the only two seeds i had and someone told me to throw them out when i asked for help id listen to any noob that would try and help me. In turn passing on noob knowledge/guessing to any future readers. Think about that next time you "pros" decide to crack a joke on noob instead of helping out. I thought thats what RIUs all about, oh and bud porn. Merry x-mas.