seriously, coming from a guy that recently drove another member off, your morality lessons are interesting. I think you feel guilty for being a complete prick to reddan incessantly so now you've shifted your focus to my topic. I'm not saying you're wrong, just a massive hypocrite.
Bob, going for your throat is the only way to pacify you. Tried being nice, doesn't work. You are slippery and a wimp when you're out bullied. I told you I'd stop, apologized even, but you kept opening your mouth to tempt me to hammer you. Now you're wagging your finger, whimpering. nice try.
Just prior to your child, you know damn well,
you'd blast other members, daily, stating how you were fucking their wives. And you still don't hesitate to tell other members to kill themselves. That's who YOU are Bob.
Where were you
@Indacouch, M, DB, when Bob was pulling that shit? C2G had no-objections to Bob doing this either! Buncha phony punks. It's only "funny" when one of your buds is mischievous. And No, it's NOT funny whatsoever!