Bezelinjah's Hydro Garden (AutoAssasin, Deimos, Fastbud).


Well-Known Member
Hi there.

After few months break I'm back to growing again. This time I got much more space to play with so I decided to grow 5 plants. Ladies are 2x ShortStuff AutoAssasin, 2x Buddha Deimos and 1x SweetSeeds FastBud. At the moment girls are seating into DWC system - 2xSSAA - 12L tank , 2xBD - 12L tank, Fastbud - 5L bucket. Hopefully reservoirs are big enough to support decent yield. Temporarily I'm running 120w CFL blue spectrum light for first two weeks, which is gonna be changed to 400w HPS later on. Light cycle is 24/7 just now as not all of girls has sprouted yet.

Have a look.



Well-Known Member
All of my seeds has finally sprouted! Temp in my secret room keeps about 24C which is pretty good I guess. Lights are still going 24/7. Gonna switch them to 20/4 Sunday. Also fed girls on half strength nutes + Root Stimulator. My grow has finally begun. Keep you posted folks.

Day : 1



Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

So my plants are on 14th day of grow and I guess they doing quite well. FastBud and two of AutoAssasins are gettin bigger every day and they just got fed with new portion of nutes ;) They are also rooting very well. Check pix.
Two of Deimos are still really small comparing to other plants. Probably they are not responding well to nutes. I couldn't find anybody else growing them on net so I can't compare my results. Oh well... If worst come to worst I'm just gonna bin them and replace them with SOUR60 which is definitelly gonna be decent. We shall see.

I'm also going to get new lights which is gonna be 400w HPS as current 125/150w CFL is not gonna be enough to flower them propely.

Temp - 24C
Lightcycle - 20/4
Humidity 50% - 60%

Time for some pix -

FastBud, 2xAutoAssasin, 2xDeimos:

Close up pix (same order) :


And the best - ROOT PORNO! FarstBud on left, then first AA,2nd AA, 1st Deimos, 2nd Deimos.


I hope you enjoy it folks. Next update in about a week. Many blesses!


Well-Known Member
My girls are 22 days old now and everything is going just fine. Some of them starts showing preflowers.

Humidity : 40-50%
Temp: 25C
Lightcycle: 20/4

Family Picture:

FastBud and 1st AutoAssasin; 2nd AA and 2x Deimos; 2x Deimos:

FastBud Root System (in fact they are turning brown for some reason but plant is looking healthy tho?!? Anybody?) :

AutoAssasin root porn. Lady no. 1 and no. 2:

Deimos. I was a bit worried about those plants but they are in fact coming nicely. Lady no. 1 and no. 2:

Next update in few days.


Well-Known Member
It's been quiet a while - 17 days since last time I posted. Mostly I couldn't been bothered posting and had few problems with my setup and also It was just lack of time as got full time job too. Anyway... My girls are now 39 days old and they are doing fantastic! All of them are fully into flower. Also few things has changed into my setup. Firstly I got 400HPS light and reflector which obviously gives much more lumes which obviously means much more Buds (70 quid quid with ballast). I did also get DS80 Tent which is really decent and I'm loving it (50 bucks only). I still need carbon filter/exhaust fan and CO2 system tho.

Since I was runningt 400HPS in DS80 tent without any ventilation temperature was getting upto even 37C inside when sealed (which is obviously way to hot). Coz of that I had to keep tent doors open all the time so smell was spreading all over my place and stairway. I just had to move it away from my boxroom (next to front doors) to bedroom. I also got some odor killers. My bedroom is cold so it solved temp problems too. All is good just now but it was just fucking bit scarry to smell plants on stairway tho.

Anyway... Girls are now 39 days old and they are looking great. They are bout 3-4 times bigger now then they were since last time I posted.

timecyle = 20/4
humidity < 50%
temp < 30C

FastBud. She's got injured as her pump broke down during moving so she was off bubbles for 12h. Also net post she's growing in is a bit smaller then hole in lid so she sinked into solution. I did fix it tho (allmighty duckting tape!). Hopefully didn't stress her to much.


2 Deimoses. Started to flower not that long time ago. I think they gonna be huge but they probably gonna finish in 1,1/2 month...


AutoAssasin. Oh my god they are doing absolutelly fucking amazing. Two different phenos, one small one big. Lots of buds. Really fast grow. Smell is strong and amazing. I'm really impressed and have big expectations. Have a look.


Family pictures :


Next time I'm gonna post some root porn. Many blesses!