BHO any ideas on how to help my yield


Active Member
So right now i use a open system im working on getting a closed loop but untell then im working on how to make my yield a lil better so to start with i use 300 gram tubes of dry not wet i know the diff lmao now when i run tans i use as many as i need tell it comes clear that range is from 6 to 9 tans but per tube im working on just using a tank instead of having to switch from can to can so my question is if i run 300 grams an use 8 tane cans then how much on a yield should i be getting let say this run is buy nug that is b grade cause right now im only getting a lil less then a zip an i n eed to know if that is right or not thanks you it is blasted at room temp my temps are very low an....... the screen is a 120 micron its metal if that matters an the tubes are made out of airplane metal high grade
so then for 7.5 pounds of bud an trim mixed in i should get roughly back a lb to a pound an a half
The quality of the product going in is the key to yield. Also I find running less through the extractor gets me a bit more. I just did a run using 50 grams of mids bud and got back 5ish grams of top shelf shatter. I was using silkscreen 180 but have switched to the SS coffee filter material, no clue what size.
The quality of the product going in is the key to yield. Also I find running less through the extractor gets me a bit more. I just did a run using 50 grams of mids bud and got back 5ish grams of top shelf shatter. I was using silkscreen 180 but have switched to the SS coffee filter material, no clue what size.
so then im using a screen of 125 right now i noticed that if i pack the tube kinda tight it leaves waves of trichromes all down the tube then i noticed that if i leave it kinda less then i get a better yield so my thinking to fix this prob im having is to get me a bidirectional cloosed tube that i can use so that i can wash it both ways so thanks for the advice on this matter this really helps me out
Don't make much BHO anymore but when I did, I found the biggest effect on my yield was, as someone else already stated, the quality of the product going in. I expect 20% returns from top quality bud-only, kept as intact as possible (whole buds) and loosely filled into the tube. I want the consistency of the material in the tube to be "spongy" if that makes sense.

It should feel like you could still pack a decent amount of material into the tube if you packed it down, but don't do this. You also don't want it to feel loose. You definitely should be able to shake the plant material around inside the tube.

This, in my experience, maximizes both yield and quality, and should easily let you average 10% returns with a decent quality trim/bud mix.

Minimal liquid butane contact with plant matter means fewer impurities extracted, so you want to minimize the amount of time the butane spends inside the tube and minimize the surface area of the plant matter.

Also, packing the tube too tight is, of course, what causes the butane to evaporate while still in the tube and completely killing your yields.

Most of the Cannabinoids are in the trichomes are on the surface of the plant anyway, so don't bother grinding it up finely.

Also, I find that using a fine stainless steel micron mesh has a noticeable effect on yield over coffee filters, so you're definitely on the right track with that. I've never personally tried silkscreen, seems like it could be a finer material without being absorptive like paper coffee filters. Either way, I cant see the screen size making that much of a difference. The screen is really there to stop plant matter from going through. The trichomes are all dissolved in the liquid butane - or at least, should be dissolved in the liquid butane.
Don't make much BHO anymore but when I did, I found the biggest effect on my yield was, as someone else already stated, the quality of the product going in. I expect 20% returns from top quality bud-only, kept as intact as possible (whole buds) and loosely filled into the tube. I want the consistency of the material in the tube to be "spongy" if that makes sense.

It should feel like you could still pack a decent amount of material into the tube if you packed it down, but don't do this. You also don't want it to feel loose. You definitely should be able to shake the plant material around inside the tube.

This, in my experience, maximizes both yield and quality, and should easily let you average 10% returns with a decent quality trim/bud mix.

Minimal liquid butane contact with plant matter means fewer impurities extracted, so you want to minimize the amount of time the butane spends inside the tube and minimize the surface area of the plant matter.

Also, packing the tube too tight is, of course, what causes the butane to evaporate while still in the tube and completely killing your yields.

Most of the Cannabinoids are in the trichomes are on the surface of the plant anyway, so don't bother grinding it up finely.

Also, I find that using a fine stainless steel micron mesh has a noticeable effect on yield over coffee filters, so you're definitely on the right track with that. I've never personally tried silkscreen, seems like it could be a finer material without being absorptive like paper coffee filters. Either way, I cant see the screen size making that much of a difference. The screen is really there to stop plant matter from going through. The trichomes are all dissolved in the liquid butane - or at least, should be dissolved in the liquid butane.
i love it that was great help i will try a blast like that for sure an see but my question is now with the buds being almost whole an then having the butane in there dont you have to fill up those gaps with butane yes an if you pack it lose enough to move the bud around i have found that some times like doing that in a masson jar will make it turn green for sure. its like it breaks down the plant an i know what you mean by spongy
Next ? does any one know on a closed loop system what the psi of the butane coming in im getting my first closed loop system in a month an im trying to learn as much as i can about it..... Also a closed bi directional loop system is that better then a non bi directional system an help on that would be great as well thanks again
Next ? does any one know on a closed loop system what the psi of the butane coming in im getting my first closed loop system in a month an im trying to learn as much as i can about it..... Also a closed bi directional loop system is that better then a non bi directional system an help on that would be great as well thanks again

Your pressure depends on your gas mixture and the temperature that you are running at. Attached is a gas mix chart showing the pressure of the different ratios at different temperatures.

A Terpenator is typically under 45 psi and the WolfWurx systems operated at about 15 to 25 psi.

I designed the bidirectional system because I believe it is better to be able to flush both directions for best efficiency. If I am stricktly after a small quantity of museum quality bragging rights concentrate I make to runs. The first a quick flush from the top for the bragging rights concentrate, followed by the second run flooding two volumes from the bottom and flushing one from the top to glean the rest.


  • butane-propane mix pressure at temperature-1.jpg
    butane-propane mix pressure at temperature-1.jpg
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Your pressure depends on your gas mixture and the temperature that you are running at. Attached is a gas mix chart showing the pressure of the different ratios at different temperatures.

A Terpenator is typically under 45 psi and the WolfWurx systems operated at about 15 to 25 psi.

I designed the bidirectional system because I believe it is better to be able to flush both directions for best efficiency. If I am stricktly after a small quantity of museum quality bragging rights concentrate I make to runs. The first a quick flush from the top for the bragging rights concentrate, followed by the second run flooding two volumes from the bottom and flushing one from the top to glean the rest.
all right i will look in to that an thanks for that insight. Now I need to know a few other things have you ever tumbled your weed in one of those t4 twisters an then blasted the trimmings from it? they give you an oil that does not hurt the plant at all but now that i have started in on that trimmings it seems like to me it wont get hard it is still sticky even after being in there 24 hrs im using whipit to wash it with when it starts out it all looks norm to me but then when i vac it down i see that it wont get un sticky at all any thoughts or ideas on that matter would be great!..!
Not to high jack this thread but I've only ever ran dry frozen product that I lightly break up in the bag still frozen and seems to work well. I also pack it fairly tight to allow for an even run through with no channeling. I have read a few articles about running still fresh frozen product and was wondering who has done this and what are the advantages/disadvantages?
all right i will look in to that an thanks for that insight. Now I need to know a few other things have you ever tumbled your weed in one of those t4 twisters an then blasted the trimmings from it? they give you an oil that does not hurt the plant at all but now that i have started in on that trimmings it seems like to me it wont get hard it is still sticky even after being in there 24 hrs im using whipit to wash it with when it starts out it all looks norm to me but then when i vac it down i see that it wont get un sticky at all any thoughts or ideas on that matter would be great!..!
I've extracted lots of power trimmed material, but not from a T4 Twister.

Are they using lubricant on the blades to keep the resin from sticking? If so, what?
Not to high jack this thread but I've only ever ran dry frozen product that I lightly break up in the bag still frozen and seems to work well. I also pack it fairly tight to allow for an even run through with no channeling. I have read a few articles about running still fresh frozen product and was wondering who has done this and what are the advantages/disadvantages?

I've run fresh cut material in both open and closed systems. It produces a lighter extract, that typically doesn't harden to shatter. You get about the same yield as dry material, but you have to run more runs to get it, because of the weight and bulk of the water content.

We trim the fresh cut material into about half inch nugs and packed them medium tight in the columns, before capping and freezing them overnight at -18C/0F. If you have a walkin to pack in, you can freeze the material in a plastic bag, and then break the frozen material up in the bag, before packing.

Doing so in the open air, invites melting and water forming ice over the trichomes from the humidity in the air.

We extract using n-Butane at around -30C or an LPG mix at -50C.

If you extract fresh cut Sativas with clear trichomes, you will end up with an almost transparent extraction. With other strains it will be transparent but various shades of yellow.

The aromatics and flavor are typically off the chart.
I've extracted lots of power trimmed material, but not from a T4 Twister.

Are they using lubricant on the blades to keep the resin from sticking? If so, what?
100% hemp oil or that is what the bottle an manufacturing company say's
an yes i was using lub on the blades
so now i have left two one ounce zips in two vac chambers same temp same vac down level an one of them is finished i have left them both on there for 48 hrs one of them is still very taffy like an the other is almost stable but at room temp is flexible ideas or thoughts on how to fix the one that is more taffy like i can deal with the one that is flexible cause i know that some times the resins will not get to a shattering point because of the type of strain it is