sorry for the big post. just read the bold to save time.
& if you dont have time to answer everything, answer anything!! much appreciated
So I've acquired a vacuum chamber & a heat pad at a head shop, i over paid but they seem nice enough, as well as an extraction tube, some screens (25, 50, 85, 100 micron) they are 'mean skreenz', a box of 'Ultra Pure Butane plus' (99.995% pure) , new pyrex that fits inside each other, & an electric stove i can take outside. I'm still missing the pump, but i'm still curing everything up and can wait a couple weeks anyways to get that.
I'm trying to make shatter and would like to get my recipe down. A lot of these questions are a matter of opinion i'm sure, but i've never done it before and have found a lot of contradictory info on the internet already so i'd rather not just wing it and get some actual insight.
SO, I'm blasting a quarter pound at least for my first run. The questions are...
-pyrex only comes so big, is it SAFE to blast 4 or 5 ounces into the smaller one(assuming that would even fit and be able to boil comfortably) or should i blast a few tubes, then cook them and just do smaller amounts at once, then keep whats done on the heat pad and vac all my batches together?
-What temp do i want the water at? I've heard everything from going over 135f you risk burning it, to keep it at 175f ... and also just general 'hot' water will do.... i bought a candy thermometer and am hoping to get a temp in degrees to keep steady at.
-If i blast one full tube onto my pyrex, and plan to blast 2 or 3 more onto there, do i want my small pyrex already on the hot water? or just wait until i have it all in there, then set in the heat? i know everyone talks about how dangerous butane is, but i'd really rather just blast it onto not cooking already pyrex so i have time to load up the tube and blast again without having to watch my first blast at the same time... (i want to blast, then cook, not do both at the same time.).. how bad is it really to have it just sitting around?
-What micron screens should i use... I had planned on the first layer the tane hits being 85 micron, then the next being 25 or 50. idfk man. will i experience a 'blow out' ? I want good product, but to not hurt my yeild to bad (although that portion of the yeild may be impurities i guess :s... i just don't want to go over board)
-How essential is a hose clamp? I stepped on mine. i could go buy another one, but it seems like i could just use other shit. how much pressure & cold really is there?
sorry for stupid question
-What temp do you vac purge at?!?!?! - I'm confused with this whole losing terpenes business the guy at the store told me to keep it over 80 & under 110. He had no fucking clue either
I need the PERFECT vac temp
-How long do you purge for? 24 hours, 12 on each side?
-Will i fuck up my potency by mixing trim with bud?
-Should i dump my tube, grind a bit, then do a second wash?
-would winterizing a small batch for myself be worth it?
-how dry should my stuff be before i blast it
-If my plant is good (high resin & thc), should i yield 15-20%?... whats your average yield? Is making shatter really worth it in bud to product assuming shatter is worth 50 a gram?
-so budder is just whipped shatter?
& if you dont have time to answer everything, answer anything!! much appreciated
So I've acquired a vacuum chamber & a heat pad at a head shop, i over paid but they seem nice enough, as well as an extraction tube, some screens (25, 50, 85, 100 micron) they are 'mean skreenz', a box of 'Ultra Pure Butane plus' (99.995% pure) , new pyrex that fits inside each other, & an electric stove i can take outside. I'm still missing the pump, but i'm still curing everything up and can wait a couple weeks anyways to get that.
I'm trying to make shatter and would like to get my recipe down. A lot of these questions are a matter of opinion i'm sure, but i've never done it before and have found a lot of contradictory info on the internet already so i'd rather not just wing it and get some actual insight.
SO, I'm blasting a quarter pound at least for my first run. The questions are...
-pyrex only comes so big, is it SAFE to blast 4 or 5 ounces into the smaller one(assuming that would even fit and be able to boil comfortably) or should i blast a few tubes, then cook them and just do smaller amounts at once, then keep whats done on the heat pad and vac all my batches together?
-What temp do i want the water at? I've heard everything from going over 135f you risk burning it, to keep it at 175f ... and also just general 'hot' water will do.... i bought a candy thermometer and am hoping to get a temp in degrees to keep steady at.
-If i blast one full tube onto my pyrex, and plan to blast 2 or 3 more onto there, do i want my small pyrex already on the hot water? or just wait until i have it all in there, then set in the heat? i know everyone talks about how dangerous butane is, but i'd really rather just blast it onto not cooking already pyrex so i have time to load up the tube and blast again without having to watch my first blast at the same time... (i want to blast, then cook, not do both at the same time.).. how bad is it really to have it just sitting around?
-What micron screens should i use... I had planned on the first layer the tane hits being 85 micron, then the next being 25 or 50. idfk man. will i experience a 'blow out' ? I want good product, but to not hurt my yeild to bad (although that portion of the yeild may be impurities i guess :s... i just don't want to go over board)
-How essential is a hose clamp? I stepped on mine. i could go buy another one, but it seems like i could just use other shit. how much pressure & cold really is there?

-What temp do you vac purge at?!?!?! - I'm confused with this whole losing terpenes business the guy at the store told me to keep it over 80 & under 110. He had no fucking clue either

-How long do you purge for? 24 hours, 12 on each side?
-Will i fuck up my potency by mixing trim with bud?
-Should i dump my tube, grind a bit, then do a second wash?
-would winterizing a small batch for myself be worth it?
-how dry should my stuff be before i blast it
-If my plant is good (high resin & thc), should i yield 15-20%?... whats your average yield? Is making shatter really worth it in bud to product assuming shatter is worth 50 a gram?
-so budder is just whipped shatter?