Bi-fold closet doors?

User Name420

Active Member
What would you guys do about bi-fold closet doors?

I'm currently growing one of my last outdoors plants under a 250w in my closet and my room is on the front of the house with the closet facing the street. So sometimes on overcast days my room just glows.

Right now with 12/12 I'm not so worried about light leakage since the lights just on during the day. In a couple weeks though when I start some new babies, I'm going to need to do something about it for night time though.

At the moment I've got two tarps up, one cloth and one plastic one, it works pretty well for the time being, but I need something more light proof.

The closet is 6 feet wide with bi-fold doors. Currently I just have holes cut in the tarps for the ventilation with exhaust and intake.


Active Member
I had this same problem I took my first go at it I put some 3mil poly inside the cloest from top to bottom side to side and nailed/taped it down so it wouldnt move. Than I bought those zip tarps things to make doors and hung a ducting fan up top and cut a hole for exhaust i did the same for an intake but at the bottom. Well it wasnt a 100% success cuz it looked like shit but it worked pretty good I had acouple problems like the tape no sticking so the poly would fall off. After going through the hassel of all the bullshit i just went nd got 2-3 thick black sheets pinned them together and tacked them up only takes like 2 mins to do compared to the 2 hours it took me to do it the other way than plus all the times I had to fix it cuz of the fans and shit. Just go buy some sheets it doesnt looks good but its the cheapest and easiest way and I get no light leaks.

User Name420

Active Member
I just got some .35m black poly and two zippers. I'm hoping I can layer it. What do you mean sheets? sheets of? I would have gotten the .6m if they had it but they didn't. That's what I have to come up with now, how to get the poly to stick to the walls.. lol even duct tape doesn't work with the tarps I have now. I mean really, what I'm using right now is really not that bad, I just need to block more light so hopefully with another two layers of this black husky will do. Hell I might not even put it on the whole closet.


Well-Known Member
I laid out 6 large trash bags and taped them together as good as possible. Then I just tacked the top of the bags to the ceiling. It cut down on the light but I think a canvas tarp would work better. Honestly hanging shit is a major pain, for around $130-170 u can jst by a nice tent on Ebay.


Well-Known Member
Go to mega-lo-mart, and buy a space blanket and some spray adhesive. Unroll the space blanket, spray the back of your closet doors with adhesive and then carefully attach the space blanket to the surface. Take a cutting edge and cut where the doors fold and presto!


Active Member
I just got some .35m black poly and two zippers. I'm hoping I can layer it. What do you mean sheets? sheets of? I would have gotten the .6m if they had it but they didn't. That's what I have to come up with now, how to get the poly to stick to the walls.. lol even duct tape doesn't work with the tarps I have now. I mean really, what I'm using right now is really not that bad, I just need to block more light so hopefully with another two layers of this black husky will do. Hell I might not even put it on the whole closet.

Cloth sheets black cloth sheets idk what the ones I have are called but there thick as hell almost like a blanket but not. I just took 3 of them pinned them together so I didnt have to take down 3 different sheets. Than just tacked them acouple inces on top of the cloest and as far as u can tack them on the sides.