Biblical Truth

Im an atheist but a so called Hindu talking about Christianity is so funny. Hinduism has the most outlandish gods in all of religion. Its like Greek mythology on crack lol..
Im an atheist but a so called Hindu talking about Christianity is so funny. Hinduism has the most outlandish gods in all of religion. Its like Greek mythology on crack lol..

I'm not Hindu. I am pieces of many religions. My MAIN gods (there are others I feel are important also) are: Pan, Shiva, Agni, Atum-Ra & Mut
And my central god is Pashupati (Kind of an ancient mix of Pan & Shiva), which is actually part of a religion so ancient we can only call it by the area we found record of it in. The "Indus River Valley Civilization Religion" or "The First Religion of the First Organized People."
Can I ask you why you believe in your mish mashed religion of different gods. Do you believe the myths to be actual events as Christians do? It seems you just picked different gods and call it a religion. Do you just change things up as you see fit? Like Atum-Ra being the creator and everything made of his flesh and Mut being the Mother. Both Egyptian gods and why not all the gods like Osiris? How would you incorporate that with Hinduism who have their own creators or is it the same person with a different name and different myths? The Pashupata were Hindus and Pashupati is a epithet of Shiva. Did you know that sacrificial items have been found in massive graves of cavemen which is believed to be a belief in the afterlife? Kinda like how Egyptians believed you could take things to the afterlife.. As far as the afterlife is concerned... You have egyptian gods who believe in an afterlife except you get eaten by a crocodile if your bad and if your good you go chill with Osiris in the underworld and then you have Hindus who if you you are following the Vedas and the Vedic religion believe your going to go to the land of ancestors if your bad or the land of the gods if your good. Which one of these did you pick? Or do you believe in reincarnation? Not really bashing on you but I dont think you know what you believe. I think you think these gods are interesting so you study them as I do but you claim them as your gods where I just look at them as the history of religion.
Worship and be spiritual in any way you see long as it does not impede or inflict your beliefs on others. When you do, it causes turmoil, war and death.....and that is a fact....all of which are proven in history. It won't be in my lifetime, but I hope someday, everyone just figures it out.
Worship and be spiritual in any way you see long as it does not impede or inflict your beliefs on others. When you do, it causes turmoil, war and death.....and that is a fact....all of which are proven in history. It won't be in my lifetime, but I hope someday, everyone just figures it out.

pretty much . . .and well said
finshaggy nevaeh420 ,..............naveaeh420 meet finshaggy ........................i have a feeling you two are going to get along .
no don't post any more of your crack head paranoid delusional vids please my brain has suffered quite enough of your nonsense allready
id rather lick your mums salty balls than take one more second of your bullshit videos .