The girls are looking good. Gave them all 5 gallons of water yesterday and the salt build up one about 7. Will be buying 20l containers soon.

Normally I only give them 2.5 gals of water every 3 days. Figured they need more water.
The girls are looking good. Gave them all 5 gallons of water yesterday and the salt build up one about 7. Will be buying 20l containers soon.

Normally I only give them 2.5 gals of water every 3 days. Figured they need more water.
I watered mine with 10 litres and after 2 months veg it was getting dried up now I give a water of 20 litres for that one plant and its loving it
Yeah. Ima do the same.

Bunning's sell 20l containers for $22 each, that'll be go.
I went to a servo and brought those water containers for home drinking they hold 11 litres each and gd handle built in..but my guerrilla grow is only one plant so that's only handy for me to use where as you obviously have more to water..the water containers I brought cost $7 each and we drank the water first then re used the containers
I went to a servo and brought those water containers for home drinking they hold 11 litres each and gd handle built in..but my guerrilla grow is only one plant so that's only handy for me to use where as you obviously have more to water..the water containers I brought cost $7 each and we drank the water first then re used the containers
Bunnings ran out of water storage ones so I got 20L diseal containers :p
Starting to really hate these fuckers

Gave them all another 20l (round 5 gal) of water today. They all had a run off like a river.
After three days the only ones not drooping are the 4 best and biggest. Should I give them another round of 20l in 3 days then then feed? Just want them to work out.
Doesn't help we have a drought.

Only 3 of them are flowering really.

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Its really hard to say do this or that.. Each plant is different.. Some will not want anything for a few more days, some want food, some will want water, some will want a light feed n some will want heavier feed.. Just cause you are watering or feeding doesn't mean hit em all while I'm here.

The ones that are darker green I'd hit with water when they need it, let em dry out a bit n start to sag just a lil bit...the ones that are lighter green with some yellowing fan leaves I'd hit with a medium feed..when they dry out a bit and start to sag a lil bit.
wat these 2 said ^^^^^
and then take some notes down for next grow to determine what strains not to run with next year
Its really hard to say do this or that.. Each plant is different.. Some will not want anything for a few more days, some want food, some will want water, some will want a light feed n some will want heavier feed.. Just cause you are watering or feeding doesn't mean hit em all while I'm here.

The ones that are darker green I'd hit with water when they need it, let em dry out a bit n start to sag just a lil bit...the ones that are lighter green with some yellowing fan leaves I'd hit with a medium feed..when they dry out a bit and start to sag a lil bit.
You're completely right. I guess I'm finding it difficult to manage this many different strains. Never had a diverse range of problems before.
I know what to do.

Considering everything, how they looking?

Not sure what I'm gonna do when im only back every 5 days.
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I think they look gd mostly healthy vouple pale ones in green colour just up the strength of feed
I think u should be happy with those plants in those size pots
I've got 2 delicious cheese candy freebies going inside and they couldn't be more different. Huge stretch on the sativa dominant one and little stretch on the more indica dominant.. The ind dominant one is a big feeder and the sat Dom barely eats and claws up real easy.

I will keep the Ind Dom around but never grow this sat Dom again.. I like to use straight fox farms and they get nothing else until they start to show deficiency.. That's kinda like my base on new strains to see what I'm working with.. Some can go 5-6 weeks in small container some can go twice that.
I've got 2 delicious cheese candy freebies going inside and they couldn't be more different. Huge stretch on the sativa dominant one and little stretch on the more indica dominant.. The ind dominant one is a big feeder and the sat Dom barely eats and claws up real easy.

I will keep the Ind Dom around but never grow this sat Dom again.. I like to use straight fox farms and they get nothing else until they start to show deficiency.. That's kinda like my base on new strains to see what I'm working with.. Some can go 5-6 weeks in small container some can go twice that.
I understand what you mean :p. We love these plants yet they can be a pain in the ass haha.

If you wouldnt mind corso, could you point out the ones you reckon I should give a little feed too? To see if we are thinking a like. I know two which are def getting water for at least another time.
Yeah dude.
Awesome. I think I might just need to go up there everyday instead of every 3 until there back to how I like em.
Pick up some wonder woman fem seeds i think she would go well in your area..great hybrid from nirvana breeder stock for next yr
Lol man.. That would be difficult n would probably get mixed up unless ya took a pic of each plant and labeled by number.

They don't look bad, just need some fine are gonna get a nice harvest.. Look @ your fan leaves and you can see that some plants are darker than others, if ya look close to the leaf tips on that dark one I think its the 5th pic down with the shovel .. That's maxed out, its dark green n slight burn on tips..I'd water her when SHE DRIES . the next two times and feed her on the third.

The ones that are light green I'd Feed when they are dried.
Starting to really hate these fuckers

Gave them all another 20l (round 5 gal) of water today. They all had a run off like a river.
After three days the only ones not drooping are the 4 best and biggest. Should I give them another round of 20l in 3 days then then feed? Just want them to work out.
Doesn't help we have a drought.

Only 3 of them are flowering really.

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I think mother nature is throwing some karma your way
Hey lads,

Couple of my plants have bent a bit over and one full bent down. Tied them all up though.

Had 86mm of rain yesterday and 32 mm the day before that so all this water and stretching as they begin flowering is the cause.

Haven't fed them for 1 week, near 2. When the rain clears up and they dry a bit ill be giving them a half feed. Sound good?

Oh, and the only one that seems to not give a fuck about the rain and loving every drop is the fucker that drooped after two days of no water :p