Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

high end imported strains mixed with aussie strains so they are aclimatized to our conditions the only imported strains iv ever grown hated the australian heat and sun intensity
Just need a breeder dedicated to it in aust to do it
I see indoor growers here who just buy clones and dont give a fuck bout its lineage thinking they can just grow anything and make gd dollars.
Getawaymountain is a gd example of breeding for the climate hes in
Just need a breeder dedicated to it in aust to do it
I see indoor growers here who just buy clones and dont give a fuck bout its lineage thinking they can just grow anything and make gd dollars.
Getawaymountain is a gd example of breeding for the climate hes in
if i had the time and access to the genetics id breed full time
Of course some will be better than others and easier to grow under a strong sun. See the same here in VN. Have had some that done well some shat. Find the ones that do well and you like then "customize" those to your liking
Indeed it is, was one of the strains I was most looking forward to. If it recovers it will only yield a small amount, but oh well. That's the beauty of doing 17 plants, I have back ups :p
17 plants in one spot would be a dream for me id be happy to be able to grow 6 in one spot and try and yield between 4-12 lb
They look happy and healthy reminds of the first time i started growing in brissi, flowering is at winter march april, i like lettin the winter chill hit em first the trich production goes crazy
ill take and upload a new photo tomorrow they are much bigger then the photo i sent im considering doing a transplant tomorrow
high end imported strains mixed with aussie strains so they are aclimatized to our conditions the only imported strains iv ever grown hated the australian heat and sun intensity
You need to grow a wonder woman.then to change your thinking...pineapple chunk,strawberry blue,ghost train haze,bubblegum are just some of the others id say dont fear the aussie sun
Hell i havnt seen an imported fem seed not do ok so far which leads me to think half of it is all about how the individual grows it
4-12lb on 6 plants? thats a bloody good yeild to me haha im useto pulling like 3-5 oz a plant
Wonder woman not in full sun yielded me just under 2lb in a spot that only recieved 7 hrs sun a day and they were dense buds, neighbour grew it as well for 2.5 lb and i have a friend with a farm who grew it full sun and pulled nearly 3.5 on one plant.
Are you getting full sun ?
Do you mix your own soil ?
Use seaweed based ferts in veg ?
Proven seeds from good reputable breeders ? ( imports )
3-4 oz a plant is good if you answer these questions
If you can take the no and turn it into a yes it might be the difference between yielding 4 oz compared to 18 oz
Not trying to sound like a dick but if you can grow a good tomato plant you can grow good weed with a gd strain of seed
I havnt taken climate into account above bict but i know what your saying bro..fidnt you have a couple plants that yielded nearly a lb last season ?
I havnt taken climate into account above bict but i know what your saying bro..fidnt you have a couple plants that yielded nearly a lb last season ?
Nope, I was limited in terms of root space though. Only 55 litre plastic pots (12 gals)and yielded 10 oz at the complete most.