Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

this Alsystin SC from bayer will rid your outdoor plots of termites, i mix it at double recommended dose which is 2gr per 10 lires, just total drench the soil twice in 7 days, it interferes with the larvae forming, its originally meant for sciarid fly larvae in mushroom compost farms but works well on termites too, some hydro stores sell it as sciarid fly drench for fungus gnats, i buy it in bulk container from wholesaler for around $300
used this stuff for years, not often cos the termites dont come back to that area after treatment, noticed no toxicity to plants or humans
listed below as 'sciarid kill' & Diseases/Pesticides
cheers matey ill see if i can get it from bunnings or crt (:
Never heard too much about termites eating cannabis plants, but stranger things have happened. You sure that wasnt root aphids?
for sure bro termites will decimate plants...and fast too, had very large plant a few years ago outdoors perfectly healthy 3/4 budded, then with 1 day leaves have drooped heaps, had no idea what it was, within 2 days plant dead, after careful examination of the root structure termites were swarming & eating the main taproot just below the surface, lost about 20 good plants to termites over the years before Alsystin was found
for sure bro termites will decimate plants...and fast too, had very large plant a few years ago outdoors perfectly healthy 3/4 budded, then with 1 day leaves have drooped heaps, had no idea what it was, within 2 days plant dead, after careful examination of the root structure termites were swarming & eating the main taproot just below the surface, lost about 20 good plants to termites over the years before Alsystin was found
I lost two good females this past season to termites. I didn't see anything until the leaves start to droop. They get in the roots and chew out the inside of the stem.
I lost two good females this past season to termites. I didn't see anything until the leaves start to droop. They get in the roots and chew out the inside of the stem.
termites being the sneaky suckers they are never expose themselves if possible, the entire area im in is totally covered with an underground network of tunnels with termites, ive found if as soon as leaves start to droop a treatment of Alsystin can save the plants sometimes, but usually the damage is done & plant cannot be saved, originally used the Alsystin as a desperate measure not knowing if it would be effective on termites as the Sciarid/fungus gnat is a much smaller & delicate larvae, i use 4-5g powder disolved in 10 litres of water instead of the recommended 2g per 10 litres, just to make sure those termites cop a good dose with 2 doses spread 6-7 days apart, area must be thoroughly drenched with solution
pulled 4 males today and 3 on thursday.the downside of growing regs haha. SOME of the tnr females have started flowering. I love the thai smell they have.still have quite a few plants that havnt shown sex yet. SO hopefully most of them are female.
pulled 4 males today and 3 on thursday.the downside of growing regs haha. SOME of the tnr females have started flowering. I love the thai smell they have.still have quite a few plants that havnt shown sex yet. SO hopefully most of them are female.
I had 4 males out of 9 plants in my Peach Patch South. 2 of 9 {I couldn't find the 10th hole} in the Peach Patch. Still have one patch, plus the Tray Jumper to check on.
I thought at this time of year id see flowering coming on quicker.
not in tmbs regs you wont...the fems tho should be but its prob just the summer we are having.
my black dog is prob 3-4 weeks away from finish the other 2 will finish in april prob one early and one late april :)
ive never had a plant amaze me as much as the sour does right now...
not in tmbs regs you wont...the fems tho should be but its prob just the summer we are having.
my black dog is prob 3-4 weeks away from finish the other 2 will finish in april prob one early and one late april :)
ive never had a plant amaze me as much as the sour does right now...
The gmk has a few pom poms, the others are still stretching, especially the alpha. I reckon ill be finishing start of April too :p.

The sour is a good girl for ya rubes :p
I thought at this time of year id see flowering coming on quicker.
maybe the weird start to the season has made it a late flowering season. IM not complaining .haha loving this heat wave.hoping it will be a warm winter like last year.
I just heard this expression today and I NEED to know if anyone has everheard a girl say it in real life. Cause I fucking laughed my ass off.

"I'm on the rag mate, so g'head an chuck it in me dumpa"
LMFAO, what porns were you watching for fucks sake. Never heard that one, though obviously not an Aussie, but been around alot