Biden Bots

You think a pathogen can manage such citation? What a true honor to be shown this grace.

This slur on Southern Poverty Law Center was brought to you by a guest op-ed from a hard red MAGA. Quite the cherry you picked there to cast nasturtiums upon an organization that has earned GOP hate for that most offensive quality: effectively opposing the big lie that Republicans are NOT the exclusive party of rich white males making billions on the backs of the oppressed and despised: the penisless, the colorful, the sexually and culturally inquisitive.

You cannot stop puking orange.


yeah that article says nothing about Putin was actually biden sending a letter to the major oil companies(who are not nationalized) acusing them of profiteering, he basically said lower the gas prices bring back 20million barrels of oil or i'll cut off subsides....and gas is at 3.89 per gal overnight....
This slur on Southern Poverty Law Center was brought to you by a guest op-ed from a hard red MAGA. Quite the cherry you picked there to cast nasturtiums upon an organization that has earned GOP hate for that most offensive quality: effectively opposing the big lie that Republicans are NOT the exclusive party of rich white males making billions on the backs of the oppressed and despised: the penisless, the colorful, the sexually and culturally inquisitive.

You cannot stop puking orange.

Data is data. I'm sorry you don't like some of it. Now call it racist and blame the whites and ignore that when you tow the Big Lie line of dehumanizing the "enemy" (in order to ? exactly) that others in your tribe are doing a lot more in action than just voting.

Then go back in history and tell me which party's platform was famously summarized as "you work, I eat." Compare that to the platforms today and tell us what's changed besides the "big switch" which was merely you switching the color black for white.

Don't get me wrong. If you white people want to hate yourselves, have at it. Just do it for yourselves on your behalf because you speak for noone but yourself.
Data is data.
bullshit. Statistics are the art of making things look like they are not. That is why you will not reference your cartoon.
I'm sorry you don't like some of it. Now call it racist and blame the whites and ignore that when you tow the Big Lie line of dehumanizing the "enemy" (in order to ? exactly) that others in your tribe are doing a lot more in action than just voting.

Then go back in history and tell me which party's platform was famously summarized as "you work, I eat."
Compare that to the platforms today and tell us what's changed besides the "big switch" which was merely you switching the color black for white.
you meant yourself. You have posted nowt but MAGA since showing up with that embarrassing username.
Don't get me wrong. If you white people want to hate yourselves, have at it. Just do it for yourselves on your behalf because you speak for noone but yourself.
You speak for orange satan, Cancun Cruz, Moscow Mitch and a dozen others who will sell Uncle Sam out for a fistful of rubles. You are hatred. I am the resistance to the deluded hateful vitriol your party has done you the disservice of feeding it into you like a French goose.

Now, you cannot stop puking orange. Prognosis is not very good.
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Refuse to define your term of "what I'm selling". Won't acknowledge its philosopher.
No. I do not work for militant satanist* religion’s footsoldiers. Had you had a point, you would have provided the backup.
I don't blame you, it's hard to look at and then reflect. Deflection is always more gooder.
You put a cartoon in post 10. Provide the link to that image. Don’t make me raise my voice again, young man.

*Republicans always accuse others of their own misdeeds. (example: blaming President Biden for the Afghani clusterthing engineered by orange satan)
Therefore, since Republicans do love to sling that satanism concept around, remember Pizzagate? it stands to reason that 99% of preadolescents gangraped by powerful men in dark ceremonial basements have been done so by Repugs chanting allegiance.
bullshit. Statistics are the art of makingthings look loke they are not. That is why you will not teference your cartoon. Slavers.
you meant yourself. You have posted nowt but MAGA since showing up with that embarrassing username.
You speak for orange satan, Cancun Cruz, Moscow Mitch and a dozen others who will sell Uncle Sam out for a fistful of rubles. You are hatred. I am the resustance to be he deluded hateful vitriol your party has done you the disservice of feeding you on it like a French goose.

Now, you cannot stop puking orange. Prognosis is not very good.
-Men can get pregnant
-math is racist
-pack the court
-inflate the currency
-register the firearms
-censor the laptop

Anyone who's views you don't like is a racist pawn of Putin.

You've reduced the idea of the soverign Individual to nothing more than class; oppressor or oppressed. You cannot know truth if you are not oppressed.

So tell me white man, why is your truth so special and why it it so virtuous?

Why does your beloved CRT have so much in common with postmodernism, multiculturalism, feminism or environmentalism? They're all just anti-western.

Espouse me the virtues of American anti tribalism more though, because it's not convincing when you dive in to tribal segregation at every instance as you do.
No. I do not work for militant satanist* religion’s footsoldiers. Had you had a point, you would have provided the backup.
You put a cartoon in post 10. Provide the link to that image. Don’t make me raise my voice again, young man.

*Republicans always accuse others of their own misdeeds. (example: blaming President Biden for the Afghani clusterthing engineered by orange satan)
Therefore, since Republicans do love to sling that satanism concept around, remember Pizzagate? it stands to reason that 99% of preadolescents gangraped by powerful men in dark ceremonial basements have been done so by Repugs chanting allegiance.

You're joking right? The link is in post #16.