Biden mishandles classified documents

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It very well may considering BIDEN is president now. I think it should be thoroughly investigated just like Trump was.
You keep saying that as if it isn’t happening.

A special prosecutor was immediately appointed to investigate. Also worth noting , this special prosecutor is a trump appointed Justice department official. This, by the way, far exceeds anything close to the level of transparency displayed by the previous administration.

What the fuck more do you want?
The fact that you haven’t acknowledged that, no matter how bad it is for Biden, what That Man did is hugely worse … well, it puts paid to your claim of seeking fairness. It is like describing a picture containing a rowboat and CVN George Bush as showing “two watercraft”.
Nice analogy.

Is it wrong that I want the aircraft carrier to sink?
The Kim letter belonged to Trump.

I know there are some differences in each case. But I also believe I said both presidents mishandled documents. I do not believe I said either one is more guilty than the other? They are both guilty in my opinion. The law does not read that you are only guilty if you take more than a certain number of documents.
The law is a bit different when rather than comply with the DOJ and claim the documents belong to you and not the American people
The national archives did not contact Trump first and tell him they know he had stuff. Trump lawyers contacted them and said they found stuff. Just like Biden aides did. The N.A, then said they wanted them and Trump lawyers gave them to them.
Then later Trump lawyers contacted N.A. and said they found more just like Biden aides did. Trump got immediately raided. Biden got the media defending him.

It isn't fair and everybody can see it. The Trump haters will just pretend the two situations are different and Biden is right. They are different because Trump was president and Biden was vice president.

The Kim letter belonged to Trump.
Straight out of Hannity
Trump denied having any and family or staff “ratted him out”
Your assumption is just “a fever dream”
I just think what is good for the goose is good for the gander. They both potentially broke the law. Just didn't see a thread about it. I was trying to be fair.
if you ignore half of the facts, then sure, they're both guilty...
the difference is between their reaction to the same situation.
Biden's people found the material, notified the proper people, and they have cooperated since.
trump stole those documents with full awareness that he did not own them, lied to the archives about having them, lied to the fbi about having them, returned a small portion when pressed about it, then lied again, MAKING the FBI raid his house to regain them.
if you cannot see the extenuating circumstances, then you, sir, are willfully blind.
I do like the idea that a special counsel has been appointed in both cases.
so do've never been able to trust trump.
not that concerned about Biden's special council...nothing to find...just like every time the republicans call for an investigation into a democrat...too bad it doesn't work that way for them, they had to get the corrupt head of the DOJ at the time to lie about the Mueller report to keep trump's ass out of jail
MG is no Bill Barr, that much is certain. Unless you can link to something credible that brings MG's character into question, I have full faith in the moral execution of his duties.
barr was VP of GTE before he was trump's asskissing lapdog...a rich fuck that trump knew he could count on.
Garland has been a judge ever since he graduated, suma cum laude, from Harvard law. he clerked for Brennan, and eventually became chief justice of the District of Columbia. he oversaw he posecution of timothy mcveigh and terry nichols, and the unabomber...
so who do you trust? the guy who was a vp for gte, or the guy who has spent his entire adult life behind the bench, and never had one ethical issue?
In the pre-Trump days, this would have been a big scandal. We all knew that politicians did nefarious things all along, but Trump blew the doors off the hinges with his brazen "I can do what I want!" attitude, which has really ruined the level of accountability we can now hold our politicians to. Relative to the Trump docs scandal, Biden's docs are a nothing-burger; however it does beg the question as to why class docs were removed in the first place. It seems to me that classified documents should only be viewable in a secure chamber, and never taken out of that chamber by individuals. I will say that I find it interesting that some of the Biden docs related to Ukraine. I can't help but ask myself why Biden has had such a long history and interest in Ukraine, which prior to Putin's invasion was best-known as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
I will say that I find it interesting that some of the Biden docs related to Ukraine. I can't help but ask myself why Biden has had such a long history and interest in Ukraine, which prior to Putin's invasion was best-known as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
Is it possible you answered your own question?
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