I'm doing fine. No evidence in Trump's claims means, well, just that. As the judge said
in the hearing regarding Trump's demand that all the votes in Chicago should be thrown out:
In short, the motion is based upon speculation and conjecture. Absent any evidence of an improper practice, the Court cannot identify if this alleged violation occurred
So, yeah, kind of like, no problem, get over it dudes and dudettes.
This is not to say that Trump's deranged crowd aren't upset.
A “stop the steal” rally is being held in Salem at the Oregon State Capitol to protest the results of the election today
Really, Amy Comey Barret isn't going to steal this election for Trump on Trump's say so. There has to be evidence in order to try a case. Also, the guy in Proud Boy regalia and armor sprayed a skinny young woman who was ten feet away for no good reason? Man, you guys need to calm down. But then again, these are Fox News five stages of grief for right wing radicals:
1) Rage
2) Rage
3) Rage
4) Rage
5) Rage
In other words, they will never get over it. High blood pressure, heart and brain function reduced, drug addiction, spousal abuse are all connected to that kind of outcome. But like a bad relationship, I'm over you and your kind. I've moved on, babe. You do you, but do it without me.
So, what's there for me to worry about? Raspberries to you, as in,