Biden will give up by Monday, 11/30/2020

Reality comes calling for those who support this murdering bastard Trump. A great thread to post transition news on, in this case Trump is costing thousands of lives by the day by not briefing the adults who will take over the shit show he's been running.

Trump digs in at White House, denying Biden transition help on pandemic, national security
An increasing chorus has called for him to allow intelligence briefings.

More than two weeks since the election, President Donald Trump remains dug in at the White House, refusing to concede and to help his successor deal with critical and urgent issues: the pandemic and national security.

Since becoming a lame-duck president, Trump has not only blocked cooperation with the incoming Biden administration, he has remained largely silent as the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically worsens nationwide; an average of 1,000 Americans have been reported dead each day since the election and the total now has topped the 250,000 milestone.

And when his acting secretary of defense announced Tuesday that the United States would withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, Trump was nowhere to be seen -- or heard, even on his usually active Twitter feed. He has not uttered or written one word publicly about five American soldiers who died in Egypt last week.

Republican leaders have so far signaled a willingness to let Trump continue to spew falsehoods about the electoral process and propagate baseless claims of fraud, allowing the president to act on his own timeline.

But a growing number of the president's supporters are joining President-elect Joe Biden and Biden's team in calling for Trump to let him to receive presidential-level intelligence briefings, and to coordinate with Biden's team on the coronavirus pandemic. Delays, they say, could threaten public health and the nation's security.

The president has remained largely out of public view in the time since his defeat, venturing away from the White House grounds only to make weekend visits to his Virginia golf club and once for a Veterans Day event at Arlington National Cemetery, also in Virginia. In total, he has made only three public appearances since election night -- and has not taken questions from reporters since Nov. 2.

MORE: A silent Trump shows little sign of leading on pandemic, governing as he refuses to concede
The president’s uncharacteristic isolation now seems likely to extend through Thanksgiving, with the first lady’s spokesperson announcing Tuesday that the first family will remain at the White House for the holiday in a break from the Trump tradition of spending the holiday in Florida at the president’s Mar-a-Lago club.

Are you absolutely daft? You don't have to support trump to understand you don't provide transition support if the election results are clearly still in question. Even your beloved ABC News is reporting daily on the unfolding situation in many states, as they are not yet certified for various reasons. This is fact no matter who you support. As I've stated before I'm not even a trump supporter, just like to point out that leftism has become the TRUMP BAD religion where they demonize perceived supporters rather than having rational discussion based on fact. See above and the other thread here for proof.
Are you absolutely daft? You don't have to support trump to understand you don't provide transition support if the election results are clearly still in question. Even your beloved ABC News is reporting daily on the unfolding situation in many states, as they are not yet certified for various reasons. This is fact no matter who you support. As I've stated before I'm not even a trump supporter, just like to point out that leftism has become the TRUMP BAD religion where they demonize perceived supporters rather than having rational discussion based on fact. See above and the other thread here for proof.
Trumptard. If you don't support leftism, my fair lady, then you must support rightism i.e. Trump.
Why is it all you cult of personality members are not capable of critical thought ?
You don't seem ignorant until you act stupid
Mirroring the exact views of various talking heads is not critical thought. If you performed critical thought from time to time you'd have many things that fall into a grey area where you will object to certain aspects of prescribed theory. But no.
Proof, if you bitch slap them with reality while mother nature stomps em into the ground enough, they will come around.

As coronavirus cases rise, governors reverse course after refusing statewide mask mandates
The governors of Iowa and North Dakota both issued statewide mask mandates for the first time, while Montana expanded its order.

Several governors who refused to impose a statewide mask mandate at the start of the coronavirus pandemic are now reversing course as cases around the country surge past 11 million.

The country's 250,000th Covid-related death was recorded on Wednesday. The virus's mortality rate is rising, from a weekly average of 821 per day in early October to 1,167 per day last week, according to an NBC News analysis.
i loved it when you wanted to argue that i said trump filed personal bankruptcy when i never said that.

what was your response again?

He/she appears to be an American problem, standard issue pain in the ass, we got em too.
This is good, Kurt Bardella is a republican and no one can accuse him of being left wing, he is ideologically pretty far right, an actual conservative, not a racist and bigot masquerading as one.

Biden's top unification task: Expose Trump team wrongdoing, restore trust in government
Biden needs a government-wide audit to find every ounce of Trump administration mismanagement and corruption. Unity hinges on
transparency and trust.

Kurt Bardella
Opinion columnist

For four years, the institutions meant to safeguard our democracy have come under a relentless assault from within, leaving our government vulnerable to corruption. We have seen a systemic and successful effort by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans to strip away these safeguards. Of the many challenges the incoming Biden administration must confront, the restoration of checks and balances is the most vital if we are to continue on as a united and functioning republic.

It’s easy in the midst of a pandemic to lose sight of things like whistleblowers, inspectors general, U.S. attorneys, and congressional oversight and independence. But they are all linchpins of a healthy democracy. It’s no surprise or accident that under the Trump presidency, these guardians of government have been eviscerated.

Trump's rise was fueled in part by a belief among disaffected and jaded Americans that the federal government could not be trusted. That the hidden hand of bureaucracy was working against the interests of everyday Americans. In his campaign for the presidency, he created an “us vs. them” chorus united behind the chant of “drain the swamp.” The theme of a “deep state” within the federal workforce, actively working to undermine the American people, is a reoccurring narrative Trump has advanced on many occasions.

President-elect Joe Biden has made unity a central tenet of his governing philosophy. In order to have unity, we have to have trust. In order to have trust, we have to have transparency. Right or wrong, the American people have bought into the narrative that there is much to distrust about government. Until that divide is repaired, unity is all but impossible to achieve.

The federal government is in desperate need of sunlight.

A checks and balances wrecking ball

Trump has been a one-man wrecking ball for checks and balances. As president, he has viciously attacked and retaliated against government whistleblowers. During a six-week period earlier this year, he fired the inspectors general for the Intelligence Community, the Defense Department, the Transportation Department, the State Department, and the Department of Health and Human Services. In June, Trump fired the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, who was actively investigating people close to him.

In recent days, Trump has embarked on a massive purge across the military, intelligence and national security agencies, seeking to dismiss officials he deems as disloyal. On Wednesday he fired Chris Krebs, head of the agency tasked with keeping our elections secure from cyberattacks. Throughout his entire presidency, Trump has refused to comply with legally issued subpoenas from Congress — making the stonewalling of Congress a routine affair.

Trump's explicit irresponsibility : Do we dare call Donald Trump a treasonous president?

All of this amounts to a singular and dangerous picture of one branch of government operating completely unchecked. Is it really so surprising that as the institutions meant to inject balance into our governing structures have failed, we have reached a moment where one political party refuses to accept the results of a legitimate election?

President-elect Biden needs to put forward an ambitious plan to restore accountability to government. This plan should include strengthening whistleblower protections, enhancing inspectors general independence, reinstating officials who were removed from their posts via acts of retaliation, and passing new legislation that gives Congress tools to enforce oversight in real time.

Biden needs to expose what has been going on
Furthermore, the Biden administration should conduct a government-wide audit that exposes every ounce of waste, fraud, abuse, mismanagement and corruption that has transpired throughout the past four years. If the White House was downplaying the consequences of hurricanes and tropical storms and threatening scientists, that needs to be exposed. If an agency administrator had a too-cozy relationship with lobbyists, that needs to be exposed. If COVID relief dollars were being steered to political donors, that needs to be exposed. If a Cabinet secretary refuses a court order to stop illegally seizing the wages of college students, that needs to be exposed.

Of course, these are all scandals we know about, but imagine the totality of what has happened during these last four years that we don’t know about. The first step to repairing the damage Trump has inflicted on American institutions is showing the American people they can have reason to trust in those institutions once again. That means exposing wrongdoing and putting safeguards in place to ensure that corruption cannot be repeated.

After all, it was the Republican House Oversight Committee that crafted a mission statement declaring: “Americans have a right to know that the money Washington takes from them is well spent. And second, Americans deserve an efficient, effective government that works for them ... Our solemn responsibility is to hold government accountable to the taxpayers because taxpayers have a right to know what they get from their government.”

President-elect Biden should give Republicans a double dose of their own sunlight.

Kurt Bardella, a member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors and a senior adviser for The Lincoln Project, was the spokesperson and senior adviser for House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Republicans from 2009-2013. Follow him on Twitter: @kurtbardella
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Sometimes when I hold my penis, it feels a little moist, other times it feels dry. Shower daily, so I suspect the moisture may be the result of ball sweat migrating up the shaft when I exercise...

That or I have bladder leakage. Either way, doesn’t bother me

it's the wicking effect up your shaft. many people in denial right now. Trump turned into the one term loser he's mocked his entire life. It's almost as if his supporters have no idea what the guy did before The lose over 500 million dollars on three separate occasions, and getting bailed out by Daddy each time. Oh but at least he "owned" his dream casino for 9 months before the bank took it away LOL. The reality is going to set in soon when he's mired in court costs he can't pay and Deutschbank calls in his loans.
Are you absolutely daft? You don't have to support trump to understand you don't provide transition support if the election results are clearly still in question. Even your beloved ABC News is reporting daily on the unfolding situation in many states, as they are not yet certified for various reasons. This is fact no matter who you support. As I've stated before I'm not even a trump supporter, just like to point out that leftism has become the TRUMP BAD religion where they demonize perceived supporters rather than having rational discussion based on fact. See above and the other thread here for proof.
The ONLY reason it hasn’t been called is because of drumpy and his crying.