Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

Bernie is the leftmost elected politician in Washington. And he is not a Socialist. He is a Social Democrat, an affiliation to the right of Socialism.
I do wonder what moral contortion gives the supposedly devout permission to tell such sinful lies. “74 Socialists in Congress” is laughably wrong. And it sounds like something the orange abomination would say.
I think this guy is swamp gas…no ‘there’ there. He’s swimming in the mainstream of the New John Birch Society - which was *always* a con aimed at bringing the clampdown. The “new conservatives” are the carpetbaggers and copperheads of today, devoted to wrecking the public sector and handing everything over to “private interests”.

Facts. From my certain personal knowledge. That’s not going to fit in your sausage….
I think this guy is swamp gas…no ‘there’ there. He’s swimming in the mainstream of the New John Birch Society - which was *always* a con aimed at bringing the clampdown. The “new conservatives” are the carpetbaggers and copperheads of today, devoted to wrecking the public sector and handing everything over to “private interests”.

Facts. From my certain personal knowledge. That’s not going to fit in your sausage….
Woe betide those who underestimated my grinder. Many a trologna have I eaten in thin slices.
And here you are to prove your point: I certainly don’t trust you, which means also I don’t trust your ‘sources’ (if you have any)
Victimization is one of the 3 core tenets of the Republican Party
Dog whistle politics, don't trust the media, books, or science. And they work goddamn hard at convincing weak minded individuals that anti-government is government.
I don't think Biden gives a shit one way or another on Weed. He wants to gut the Rethug's voter supression and get the Infrastructure bill passed to give the economy a boost when we really need it.
The problem with Socialism is not it's ideals. The problem with Socialism is that everyone involved wants to lead.
And everyone that leads ends up ordering the death of thousands. In the least. To tell a truth I did not know "for a fact" that our democratic leaders are communist leaning. That IS what I've heard amongst alot of other emotionally charged words. But what I have SEEN is a pandemic that queerily, Bill Gates predicted would land on Trump. And really nothing else to land on him. Allegations are shit. Bidens got them up the wazoo too.
And everyone that leads ends up ordering the death of thousands. In the least. To tell a truth I did not know "for a fact" that our democratic leaders are communist leaning. That IS what I've heard amongst alot of other emotionally charged words. But what I have SEEN is a pandemic that queerily, Bill Gates predicted would land on Trump. And really nothing else to land on him. Allegations are shit. Bidens got them up the wazoo too.
I googled it and that link was the 1st thing that came up. Lol.
Delusional does not apply both ways. I gave examples why not. I gave you reality. Has nothing to do with pushing buttons. Your side gaslights in various ways including minimizing an insurrection. That orange thing accuses US of cheating in an election when he NEVER won by popular vote. Trumpers are off the charts stupid to believe him. But by all means go ahead.
"Your side" so we are on sides. We're from the same state. Both cannabis fans, have an opinion on politics and we're on "opposite " sides? You know things don't have to be so black and damn white? Just saying...that's how I look at it. Alotta people I can't talk to about politics, period. We can. Why focus on the things we think we know? Anyway, yeah it wouldn't surprise me, Biden not being cannabis friendly. Boneheaded yes man that he is.
I doubt that anyone Biden's age would be cannabis-friendly. That generation was brought up on a diet of lies and propaganda about the demon reefer.
But what I have SEEN is a pandemic that queerily, Bill Gates predicted would land on Trump.
Bill Gates did not predict it would land on Dump. He just predicted it would happen. And it wasn't a far stretch to see it coming. He basically told Dump, or announced to whoever would listen, (which wasn't Dump), that strong measures needed to take place or you'll have a pandemic laid at your feet. I mean SARS, MERS, we have a history here.