Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds


Well-Known Member
yeah have sent RIU a message about the issue (am sure they already know tho) but strange. I copy and paste the BB code as normal and i can see them but you guys cant............ just want everyone to see my beautifull girls lol. Hopefully should get sorted within the day :)

mr west also am gonna get one of thoes timers today might order it online but have to go maplins anyway so will check if its in there first


Well-Known Member
Ok so another issue apart from the timer going wrong & a 1-2 sec light let in during dark period last night & fact that my pics on the journal arnt showing just noticed that the lights in the room was OFF!!!!

i got up and turned them on at the selected time and they went on ok? went about my business and poped out, before i left all was ok, got back from shops (maybe 2-3hour trip) rolled 1 up, and noticed that the electric was off. We had a 3hour surge in the area and it just came back on now!!!!!

So let me know the bad news guys you think is all gonna fuck up, really dont want to stress them to much and the last thing i want is them to change sex! really starting to get stressed.

They say it all happens in threes tho, Timer stoped working, Light went on in dark period for 2 secs, now the electric went off for 3 hours in the light period lol

Shale i cry.....


Active Member
I can see them now!

That is a great grow Primz, Im kinda jealous :) lol

Im gonna keep checking back, your grow looks great, I cant wait to see your harvest.


Just read your last post,

Are the plants that finiky that a short blurp in the system would screw everything up? I know everyone says total darkness
and no light leaks but mostly any and all plants still get some light from the moon during dark periods in nature.

I dont know really anything when it comes to this stuff, but I dont think everything will go south on you over this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i hope so, have been smoking the G13 haze latly and its been making me think about things way to much, them when thing about it to much get a bit para lol.

Better to be safe than sorry tho i hope it dosent affect it tho.

Also can people see the pics iv added on here as getting PMs saying some cant see them


Well-Known Member
Flowering Week 1 day 1

Ok so decided to put the girls into 12/12 last night, gave them all a nice spray on the leafs before bed and changed timer. Also they had a nice top up of N a few days ago so that should also hold them for the flowering period also, just so i dont get no colour fade.

Right so here is a few pics of the First propper day of flowering,

Big Bang Top Shoot

Big Buddha Cheese Top Shoot

Heres one just after a little mist

Here is a few pics of the room with natural light only and no flash looks great and smells even better :eyesmoke:

Really am getting a strong pong when you open the door, cant wait to see what its like a few weeks into flowering. As you can see they are really coming on strong now, i would of liked them to be a bit more taller but we cant have everything our own ways.

Hope you like people let me know your thoughts :peace:

Ehh.. dude I hear ya on 'wanting taller plants'.. but you know in my almost two years of growing experience..?? I've had short plants that yielded more bud than the taller plants I've grown. Just because you might have a plant taller than the other one.. doesnt technically mean that the taller plant will yield more buds. Wait, I take that back.. you might get more buds from the taller plant.. but the buds from the shorter plant can and do sometimes end up weighing more than the buds from the taller plant.. that's what I'm trying to say here. LOL... I had a wake&bake this morning... but I think I hit the bowl just a little too early.. even for me.. and I take a hit from the bowl every morning (as long as I have buds I do).. but this bud I have right now is just so potent.. it doesn't make a good strain for 'wake & bakes'.

But anyhow, good luck with your ladies here.. looking good too.

I've currently got two of Nirvana's 'ICE' plants going.. today is day #8 of veg so they only got another week or so before I switch them over to flowering. This 'ICE' strain is one quick strain too. Fast germination (36hrs or less to germinate) and as for veg. growth.. this things already starting its 3rd set of leafs on Day #8 of veg. So its all in all just a nice, quick growing, stable strain. I'll def. be adding a journal as soon as I get my damn Nikon D90 digi-cam back from my brother inlaw. Needs to get his own camera.. lol.

But yeah good job man.. hope to see the harvest of your ladies!!! Keep up the good work man.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the message on the thread bro, yeah i was looking at that ICE strain a while back says its a very stong quick flowerin strain but i didnt know many who had grown it and the ones i did said they had few issues with it so i just looked else where.

Would be good to get a journal up and running on that, 3rd set of leafs in day 8 of veg sounds fine to me lol. Wonder what the smoke is like on that also.

And yeah i hear you on the tall and small thing, to be honest i just want to get the most i can off these girls without expecting to much.
Still have some CH9 hash plants that have poped through the soil today so wil get a few pics of them ASAP.



Well-Known Member
Hey man, so I read about your light leak during the dark and your power outage. Both have happened to me, My timer has fucked up and the lights were off for a few hours, or didn't come on ect... As long as it isn't happening consistantly I'm sure you'll be fine! If it was just a little one time miss-hap there's nothing to worry about. Like I said, same thing happened to me this grow while I was away on vacation and it took a few hours for my roomate to notice and fix the problem. Everything is perfectly fine tho and tomorrow 2 of the girls are getting the chop. So you should be totally fine!


Well-Known Member
Hi all hope all is well, havent been on in a few day had a few things to attend to.

Came back today and all the girls have shot up a inch or two so will take a few nice pics and update the journal later today or tommorrow.
can see progress on a day by day scale so getting really interesting now. (i love these time)

Smell is getting way out of hand so might ave to invest in a carbon filter or two also lol.

Will be back with a update ASAP

Peace :)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys havent been on much the past week have had a few other things to do for once lol :mrgreen:

The Girls have finished there first week of flowering now and is the First day of their 2nd Week today so thought il updatye and show you all how good they are doing.

All in all have not had to much trouble so far, the only issue mainly was the timers going on me (must have gone through 4 in a month lol) but have ordered a Enviro Heavy Duty timer so when that turns up all should be back on track.

Have noticed that the girls are starting to stretch about 1-2 inch per day now on some of them, The Big Buddha Cheese was the tallest with the Big Bangs being the bushiest but now the Big Bangs are stretching past the Cheeses and the Cheeses are getting more on the bushy side like the Big Bangs lol :hump:

Here is a few pics of them as they are now. No bud porn yet but soon :mrgreen:

Bit Of a blury one here :roll:

Getting Packed Now

SKy shot

Big Bang Top (Grow 4inch in less than 5 days)

Looking good if i say so myself lol, the smell is getting crazy now really have to get my hands on a carbon filter, as soon as you open the door the smell hits you that bad i take a small step back lol Crazy.

1 Small Issue -

Ok so i started with Female seeds and i expect female plants i know people say you shouldnt expect 100% Fem results but we all do. And i think i have a Male in my group of Big Buddha Cheese.

It has some female hair shoot, so i dont know if its thick small pre flowers or flowers but seens like the start of tiny balls growing.

Have look -

Possible male where arrow points

Can see the nice female shoots pointing streight up and then on top and below are tiny dots or possible sacks????????

Well thats all i have for know, all seems to be going well, this should hopefully get me enough smoke to last a year if all goes well until the end :mrgreen:

Let me know what your thoughts are guys, will be getting a new carmera so better pics will be on their way soon.



Well-Known Member
Ok so as the above post says i thought i had a male in the pack and today i decided to cut it down.

Granted it was the biggest out of all the plants but not really worth the risk. Not sure if it was the light issue i had previously or the temp issue at the start of flowerin but seems that it turned it Hermy. Cant complain as it was only 1 out of the lot but still............ :?

Have to say tho its getting really packed in there now so can do with the extra room lol:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ok so thought il show off some pre bud porn :-P

Was given a Auto Flowering Strain (Auto Blue Himalaya) and have kept it up in the main room with the rest of the ladys thought il take a few shots to show you the bud structure and view lol.

Not really a big fan of the Auto strain as dosent seem to be worth the money, This Auto Blue has been in there with the others from the start and granted there is bud on the Auto strain but compaired to the others it just looks pointless.

Granted if it did really take 8 weeks from seed to bud then that would be great but this has been in for nearly 9 weeks now and its not done by far.

Might as well as just stick with non auto strains and go the extra 4 weeks and get more yeild and better bud. Thats just my 2 cents lol :leaf:

Any way cant complaine it was a freebie, its budding, so il just shut up and be greatfull lol:clap:

Heres a few pics


mr west

Well-Known Member
ello mate im still here tho i prefer to lurk lol. The littel calyxs under the pistils and its very normal to see them in females


Active Member
gwilliim, your highjacking Primz's journal..... If you post a thread of your own in the appropriate section you will get all
the help you need.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, wondered where everyone went to, guess most have more of a life than me tbh lol :) Should be looking to harvest in about 7 weeks or so but all good things comes to thoes who wait. (well i hope so lol)

Smell is great now, GHS said that they thought it was like Green apples well it stinks of green apples in my room lol then poke your head over to the cheese side and its pungent lol, makes my nose twitch lol, love it.

Will be giving the girls their feed tomoz and will up the nutes. Also get some more pics on here ASAP for you guys lol
