Big Bang - First Time Grower


Hey guys. I started my first ever grow a few days ago. I'm really enjoying this, so I figured I'd make a journal and see what you guys think. Please, give me any feedback you have. I'd love to hear it all :).

I'm using one Big Bang seed that I bought from Attitude Seed Bank, and some shitty seeds I found in weed.

I germinated one shitty seed a while back, and it sprouted. A day or two later I germinated my Big Bang seed (I wanted to see how safe my soil was). I'm still waiting on that to sprout. I'm currently germinating some other nameless seeds.

Right now I'm using a 23W blue spectrum light on my Big Bang seed, and a long blue light (that I know nothing about) on my sprout. I have been using other lights (namely 42W red) on the sprout, and messing around with set-ups quite a lot. The sprout seems to be responding well to the long ? light I'm using though. I planted the Big Bang seed yesterday morning, and used a 42W red spectrum light until this morning. I use Miracle Gro Seed Starting Potting Mix, and 6.8 pH water.

The sprout's old light system

The Sprout (Purple stem.. Don't know what to do about that)

Big Bang seed cracked

Drainage system


Tried this for a while. Took it off 'cause I was nervous.


Looks good man :) i am also going to be growing big bang for my first grow. How hot to the touch are those CFLS?


Thanks :) Keep me posted bro. The CFL's aren't hot at all. I can hold the 23W without it hurting, and I can' even tell if my long lamp is warm. I dropped my Big Bang haha. I hope it doesn't go into shock and die or something.


Active Member
I'm also a first time grower growing big bang. Can't wait to see how both yours and mine turn out.

Good luck man :peace:


Update 9/8
So I transferred my sprout to a pot, and it's been thriving!
I also dropped my Big Bang seedling... like an idiot.... and I think I shocked it. It seems to be making a recovery.. but incredibly slowly. I hope it makes it. Since the picture of it was taken (several days ago), it grew maybe 2 mm. and it's leaves are still totally botched.

A lot of Perlite floated to the top... Is it worth scooping off?
Any ideas of what to do about the injured sprout?