Big Bud Curing....What to do?...


Well-Known Member
Just harvested my last DWC plant.....The two main colas are the biggest buds I have grown to this point, even though they are not massive.....the largest is just about as round as a pop can and slightly longer.....the smaller of the two is approximately 3/4 that size.

My question is,... with a larger bud that size, after it is dried, should I cut it into smaller pieces before curing or just leave it as one big bud and cure it? Is there any advantage one way or the other?

Thanks, ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
just leave it as 1 big bud dude unless you want a bunch of little buds its really all on preference cuz you can do it either way gooood luck to you dude


Well-Known Member
Alright, thanks guys! That is why I asked, I wondered about a larger bud holding to much moisture in and possibly molding while in the jar. That answers my question then. Thanks again, ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
I would think bigger the bud there would be more moisture. But what do i know:-0



Well-Known Member
No reason to leave large colas whole unless your going after the impress your friends factor.


Well-Known Member
exactly, a nice cola is very sexy, picture worthy in fact, but snap your pic to keep the memories and then cut the bitch up.


Well-Known Member
i disagree, if you leave your big buds whole, as long as they are not like arms length big you will retain more thichome crystals. if you chop up the big buds into small popcorn nugs those trichs get agitated, dried to a crisp and turn to bag dust, unless you have a keif box of course.
if you cure properly and initially let your big buds dry enough before you put them in the jars youll be fine. if you breathe your big buds for an hour every day while there in the jars for 3 weeks youll be fine. big buds slowly pull the moisture out of the deepest interior parts and slowly cure, it takes time but i think your buds remain more potent not broken up.


Well-Known Member
i disagree, if you leave your big buds whole, as long as they are not like arms length big you will retain more thichome crystals. if you chop up the big buds into small popcorn nugs those trichs get agitated, dried to a crisp and turn to bag dust, unless you have a keif box of course.
if you cure properly and initially let your big buds dry enough before you put them in the jars youll be fine. if you breathe your big buds for an hour every day while there in the jars for 3 weeks youll be fine. big buds slowly pull the moisture out of the deepest interior parts and slowly cure, it takes time but i think your buds remain more potent not broken up.
Huh...... ?


Well-Known Member
whats to "huh" about that post, pretty simple to understand.

if you cut your big buds into small nugs, you WILL lose some crystals, less trichome crystals = less potency,


Well-Known Member
whats to "huh" about that post, pretty simple to understand.

if you cut your big buds into small nugs, you WILL lose some crystals, less trichome crystals = less potency,
Huh to where you are getting that info from,any basis for that assumption,sounds pretty far fetched to say the least.

If loosing 20 trich heads are an issue keeping the bud whole aint gonna save the weed from being bunk.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of the bud...Its not gigantic but it is a nice size....It;s drying now...Been hanging for about a week now but still a little moist. I have a small 4 inch fan circulating air around them. hoping the nex few days it will be ready to start curing. I'll probably cut it down.



Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of the bud...Its not gigantic but it is a nice size....It;s drying now...Been hanging for about a week now but still a little moist. I have a small 4 inch fan circulating air around them. hoping the nex few days it will be ready to start curing. I'll probably cut it down.


Well-Known Member
you go ahead panhead and lose those trichs then, i agree it wont leave you with bunk..... but i try to keep as many trichs as possible, i really dont think thats to far fetched, you do your way ill do mine.


Active Member
Please go to Growfaq - Harvesting and Curing: What is the best way to dry and preserve the cure for smooth, sweet buds?

It will give you the facts on how the plant actually dry. It's not good to chop the plant into pieces unless you are in a real hurry.


Well-Known Member
thats what i said for my 2 cents and pinhead, i mean panhead just gave me attitude, so panhead maybe you should read the harvesting faq's and get some facts before you give people attitute and quote their threads with stupid comments!