Big Bud-first grow

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
Hey Hoff,
You said that you have your light about six inches over their top?that probably has a lot to with them being tall,their growing up to get closer to the light. Most ppl suggest that you should have the light two inches above their head. Just use the fan like you guys have been talking about and you should be good.


Active Member
So no pics yet, but here it goes....I've got 4 plants, Big Bud from Nirvana seeds, about 10 inches tall with about 6 nodes (so not much stretching) in rockwool with a flood and drain system. My cabinet is 2'x3'x5'. I feed them twice a day with dutchmaster nutes. I've got a 600w HPS about 1.5 feet from the tops on 24 hours a day. They look great, really green leaves and thick stems, and a lot of white roots coming through the bottom of my 6" rockwoll cubes. Here's the problem(?), are they growing too slow?? They are 6 weeks from seed and by looking at other posts, it seems I should be ready to flower. If these double during flowering they wouldn't even be 2 feet tall, and I can't imagine much yield from that.
Any thoughts or do I just need a little patience???