Big Bud Grow Op


Sector 5 Moderator
Due to overwhelming demand, here is the photo requested. I cut both of them in half and the pic is of half of each of them. BTW, it sucks to cut through hydroton!


Sector 5 Moderator
Johnny the thermometer was close to the light; it wasn't actually 100 degrees on the plants.


Well-Known Member
nice journal u got so far... im in the process of harvesting my big bud plant... so far ive only cut off the top colas and left the bottom in tact so that it can grow so more 2 weeks to be exact.... big bud is an easy plant to the way i use happyfrog soil by foxfarm and it is the shit..... price and quanity wise..... good luck everythings looks great


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm using Happy Frog with my blueberry strain. It is really good stuff! The big bud has been a lot easier to grow than the blueberry but I've still barely survived the grow to this point.


Well-Known Member
well what is everything looking like at this point?? any pics???.. so yesterday i smoked some of my bigbuds and man can i say,,,, they are some goodies as they have only been drying 3 days..... by the way do u feel the blueberry is hard to grow??? and what do you feel about grow bags, cuz i been highly considering using them for my next grow...


Well-Known Member
are u using any support for the grow bags... or r u just filling up and they are staying up by themselves???? by the way when u water your blueberry do u move the plants so that they can drain some where????


Sector 5 Moderator
They are just freestanding, no supports needed. I water them every other day; I have 6 plants and I mix up 3 liters of water so it's not enough to go all the way to the bottom most of the time. That figures out to be about 1/2 liter per plant so it soaks into the soil and perlite pretty good.


Active Member
new to the site. first evening on it acctually. your thread caught my attention because i recently purchased big bud seeds and a bubblephonics 6 plant grower. I really enjoyed your day by day pics, cant wait to see what the result is. keep us informed. good luck


Sector 5 Moderator
Hey Mark, welcome to the forum dude! First of all I have to warn you about the bubbleponics system. Did you get it from Stealth Hydro? If so, you will definitely want to read some threads on here about them and their bubbleponics systems. I had 14 blueberry plants to die from their sorry "customer service" and that's typical of others here on RIU. The system is ok but it's really fussy and fragile. If you haven't started your grow yet I would highly encourage you to just use rock wool and see if you can return the bubbleponics system. Rock wool is soooooooooooo easy to grow in and so many less mistakes. *If* you screw up, the results won't be as disasterous and you'll have more time to recover than if you're growing in a bubbleponics system. OK, enough of the soapbox on that.

The girls are looking great this morning. I got down on my knees and took a look into the plants from the side and they have buds forming and trichs out the wazzoo. Here are the fresh pix:



Active Member
nice pics man. yeah its the one from stealth hydro. i guess i should have read up more before i bought it. if it screws up on me ill try the rock wool method that you used. what size yield are u expecting from your operation?


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm hoping for 9 oz dried off each plant but that's of course all up in the air. I don't smoke it before it's in the baggie, lol.


Well-Known Member
9 oz dried off each plant??!! wow thats a big hope u got there..... you will probly get anywhere from 2 to 4 oz dried off of one plant... unless u were outside,,, where u could get a pound off of one....


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm going to inject them with steroids. Barry Bonds had some left over and sent them to me. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
lol ahaha yea well good luck ...... ill keep up wit ur journal to see ur weight... i got bout 3 almost 4 ozs.. off of one of my bigbud ladies.... man its some good bud i can say....


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm just starting my 3rd week of flower Mark so I'm about 5 weeks from harvest at this point. The two plants are looking great this morning. Did my feeding and everything is coming along great. Here is the one pic. When you're down to 2 plants you don't need but one pic, LOL.