Big bud/White widow (the widow)/Hercules hybrid outdoor


Active Member
I sprayed colloidal silver spray on three plants in my growbox last year and all of them produced female pollen and seeded,will they all have a bit of each others genetics? not sure of how it works...Anyway i've grown with the seeds from this little experiment outdoor this year and one particular plant has really impressed me no mold at all/amazing fragrance/finished mid september/huge buds (probably 5 oz + on the plant) i want to keep her genetics, am i right in thinking if i uproot her snip off the buds and reveg indoors then take clones and put them out next april that next year that they will all have the same characteristics?:leaf:


Hi TomRyder,
The clones you take will portray the same characteristics of the mother plant.
From my readings over time there are arguments that state the clones may be over better genetics as they are now more mature, though this is hear say.
be sure to leave enough growth on the bottom of the plant to allow for epicormic growth to appear (this will appear as new leafs forming at the top of the buds and will begin to grow new branches)
I have just purchased some Big Bud x white widow seeds to begin in time to come, I hope your grows go to plan.



Well-Known Member
Yes they will it will have the same characteristics but If it was in the ground and you up root her you might have sum problems, I have never uprooted a plant that was inn the ground and I would think it would react poorly...but this is just an opinion, what I would do is take a clone off of a low branch that doesn't have a fully formed bud, basically one that didn't get much light and root it. I have taken clones off of flowering plants indoors the same way and never had a problem, but they were around 4 weeks in bud. One thing to remember is that when you do re veg it after it having bud on it it will grow a little funny, don't be alarmed it will end up just fine


Active Member
cheers guys! well it is outside so i will have to uproot but ive done this before when a spot got found by someone and just gave it a strong feed of miracle grow and it came back fine so yeh i'll get up there over the weekend then bring her in and stick it in a pot :)


Well-Known Member
I was maybe thinking you grew in pots...I'm sure you have smart pots over there in the uk. that's what we use in our outdoor and indoor medical gardens they work awesome...7 gal inside...anywhere from 45 to 100 gal outside depending on space etc. you can even use smaller outside with no problem.