big bud x white widow leafs to big


can anyone help i have 4 big bud x white widow in soil on 600 watt hps what i have had in the past (4th time grower) is 2 big fan like leaves but with this 4 i have around 6 what is causing to block the light getting at the bottom. i am on week 5 on veg also i am hearing that this plant should go to 3-4 feet but where i bought the seeds from says (well respected company) 40 to 60cm so can anyone tell 1,what to do about the leafs 2,how long should it be around on veg and 3,what is the sizes of these plants? PLEASE HELP
also new to this site can you tell me what this means.track back also tags and post a poll


Well-Known Member
Pics would help, I have grown big bud and now am groing ww and they do have big fan leaves. You shouldn't remove fan leaves, they are the growing factories of the plant. you could get some cfl's and place them to the side of the plant to help.


Well-Known Member
I grow the widow, when I first started with it I chopped the fan leaves. She didn't like that, I just tuck them back if they get in the way, supercropping seems to help my strain get around them a bit. Good Luck


hi people am sorry but i cant get photos on of my 4 x BB x WW what i am asking now is what time are you looking @ with a 600 watt hps in soil b4 i turn to 12/12 as i am hearing 3 to 4 feet for this plant but where i got them from is saying 40 to 60 cm if you have grown a plant like WW x BB or no somone or have anything on it can you tell me as i am flying blind @ this time i have spent everything i had on this i am more or less a 1st timer and i think i should have went with a more simple seed i can only get on my PC for about an hour a day so i will look back tomorrow fingers crossed somone can help me i put down on my last time on what i am wanting to no but anything is better than what i know just now i was going to cut a couple of the big leafs but wont now i have put foil under the plants to trie & get some light in to them. pl z tell me anything that can HELP.thanks people for taking the time to help.


Well-Known Member
Man, cut those suckers off!! I prune my leaves all the way through my grow. Not much during veg stage, granted. But as they go to flower, which yours are very close to, you can trim the fan leaves as they get in the way. Not all of them and don't go crazy, but it sounds like you would get more benefit of cutting it than leaving it. And, of course, pics always help.


Well-Known Member
It is not wise to cut fan leaves, there are many ppl who suggest dong so but my opinion is that the plant puts them out to help the growth, they are the factories of the plant, they help the grow. imo you shouldn't put alum foil under plant, it tends to concentrate (spelling? ) hot spots on your plants.


i am going to remove the foil.and thanks for getting back do you fancy being a teacher for the rest of this grow doing so you get a return? if you don't want to or don't have time i understand its because i more or less still a new grower and i cant trust no one around me i have just thought of it.i will trie and get photos can you tell me ho to post them on this site.thanks again



  • i am going to remove the foil.and thanks for getting back do you fancy being a teacher for the rest of this grow doing so you get a return? if you don't want to or don't have time i understand its because i more or less still a new grower and i cant trust no one around me i have just thought of it.i will trie and get photos can you tell me ho to post them on this site.thanks again​



Well-Known Member
I don't fancy myself as a teacher, I'm just a fellow grower giving advise if I can. I'm here should you need more advise anytime. To upload pics, when you reply or open a new thread after you've written your question there are icons on the top of the box, scoll on them and one will say uplad pics, click on that then select files, from your comluter select the files to upload, after files are selected, click upload files and it's done.


Well-Known Member
Everybody is here to help for the most part, get some pics up of bi weekly process and we will be able to assist through the rest of your grow, I as many will be following this just make sure to keep pics posted it helps soo much. Good luck to you my friend, happy growing