Big Budda Cheese Yummy Input Needed


:dunce::dunce:yo peeps well im just comin on my 3rd week from seed been in the pots bout 2 weeks now 5 big cheese, and one blueberry. im uploadin some pics of my babys, and the puny blueberry(it might be bubblegum iv forgotton lol)is a third or less the size of even the mosst freshly planted chedder, you can see i p[lanted as they hatched hence the variation in size's.
im using bio bizz soil and the bio grow, heaven, top max and bio flower will be used in the course of this grow. im ph in veg at 5.8, i know its low but in the past its been a good veg mark, in flower maybe 6 6.2 dependin on certain things. using a 600 watt cool tube light with a dual spec bulb which will be used right the way through. any one any ideas on the bubble or blueberry, not sure which charatistics are suited to the small one to make a judgement, its only potted just under a week. input help comments appreciated, any input taken aboard i love new ideas. i was gonna try a sacrog but was told this is best for clones and doesnt suit seeds which r feminized,.IMG_0211.jpg


i was also thinkin bout toppin on the better cheese, i did it b4 and loved the reults i have plenty of height this time so thats not a prob so i wouldn b toppin for that reason, for the candlestick holder effect, the plant spreads out instead of up.. wot u think?

