Big Buddah Blue Cheese (bbbc) and Big Bomb


Well-Known Member
agreed or if there in a small space like mine id cut the bottom fan leaves off i havent started mine yet but im hoping to sort of aim for lollipoping do you guys think this is a good idea how they are now is how there going to be for the whole thing..?
I think it's a bit early for you as your plants are using their leaves for photosynthesis. You can trim up the bottoms for clones before you flower. I topped mine and have four main colas with side branching/ These BC veg nicely, so there will be plenty of time to 'clean' then up. Again, my .02, ATB!


Well-Known Member
no i'm not toping them
Ok. I'll be glad to see how they grow straight up as well. BTW, in case I didn't give the full 411 on mine, she is in a
7 gal pot half full with Subcool's Super Soil and Roots Organic. She pretty much gets only water with potassium silicate, and molasses every feeding. I will be flowering her under a 600w with the rest of my 3D in about another week or so.


New Member
yeah i know its going to be very crowded but i think itll b ok if i keep an eye on it and i wont be lollipoping just yet im gna veg em another week or two before i do anything


New Member
hey guys heres a small update for you i just took a peek in there to see whats going on this is what i have atm for u ill have more later :joint: :-)


also how long more do you think i should veg these babys for? i know what i have in mind but what do you guys reckon?


New Member
hey guys ive allways had these leafs like this they seem to be getting worse i fed early and then flushed them and only watered with water for the next week after that ive been feeding them around half or a quarter of what they should be getting these spots seems to be getting a little bit worse every time i think i know what this is but i want to see what you think as every little helps lol


this is the bottom leaves none or near to none of this is at the top of the plants ...


New Member
also the leaves are curling i know what this is too but what eles could this be i just want to know all i can please