Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership


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Ok hello everyone, I have one grow under my belt but it was in soil and everything turned out great due to lots of reading and research. However i got a great deal on buying a B.C Northern Lights Mothership which is a hydro setup. they cost around 3k new and i talked the guy down to getting it for 650 so i couldnt refuse the deal!! Anyway im posting this thread casue im sure i will have tons of questions and need some help to get me through my first grow. Ok so heres what i got. The mothership came with a 400w Mh for the Veg state and a 400w Hps for the flowering, Advanced nutrients sensi grow a,b and sensi bloom a,b and it come with overdrive as well. It came with the clay pellets for the medium as well. It has an exhaust fan and carbon filter and everything you need for your grow already in the box. I am going to post some pictures of the box to show you what im working with



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Ok now that you know what im working with and got some pictures of the box let me fill you in with what im growing. I recieved 4 Big Buddah Blue Cheese clones from one of my friends. When i recieved them they all looked very healthy and i was told they all had established a root system already. They were given to me in 1 inch rockwool and then in a red solo cup filled with dirt. I put the red solo cups in the grow box for about 3 days while i cleaned and setup the mothership. I cleaned all the clay pelletes then i took the clones out fo the dirt cups and cleaned all the soil from around the roots and the rockwool. However one of the plants had no roots coming out from the rockwool. I slowly split open the rockwool and saw a little white root base forming so i covered it back up with the rockwool. I then planted all the plants in the net pots with about 1inch of claypelletes on the botom and then placed the rockwool in and filled around it with more clay pellets. The resivoir was filled with 6 gallons of water and a mild nutrient mix as suggested on the bc nl grow manual. i turned off the drip system and watered them by hand for about 4 days. im now on the 5th day of transplanting them. Two of the plants have roots emerging out of the botom of the net pots and are growing rapidly and looking amazing. The other two babies look like there struglling the one with no roots yet i understand the slow growth and i checked up and there are 4-5 spots where it has about 1-2 inch roots so its coming along. However the other plant already had roots established and it has very little to no growth. The leaves on this one are turning a yellowish color and i dont know what it is. Here are some pictures of the plants and two pictures of the roots coming out the botom of the net pots oh by the way im doing 18 on and 6 off



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So pretty much the main thing i have to ask is do they look alright and am i doing this right? Any suggestions would be appreciated becasue like i said this is the first time ive done Hydro. Also if anyone can tell me about the yellow leaf there is a picture of it my other leaves are starting to look yellow and there really isnt any growth from that plant


Active Member
Here is a few other pictures i didnt post the two clones on the left are the ones struggling the one in the back left is slow with its roots but looking to be getting alot better and roots are coming slowly but surely the one in the front left with the yellow leave(s) is the one im most worried about it is not really growing at all and i dont think the roots have made any progress at all i feel like the roots just stopped growing. The roots where as long as the two on the right and the two on the right roots are growing out the net pot but the one in the front left has no roots growing out the net pot and has very little to no new growth and the two plants on the right are doing amazing lots of new growth every day and roots are growing like crazy. Any help or advice is appreciated (sorry the first two pictures on this post the plants are in different order the two bad plants are in the back and the two good plants are in the front however on the third or last photo of this post is the more recent one and that is the correct order of the plants u see the front left has yellow leaves



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Hello anyone got any info for me to help me out on this first hydro grow??? Or whatsup with the yellow leaves and the stunted growth on the one plant??


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I would really like some feed back also another question i have. I cant read ppm or whatever all i can do is check the ph im keeping the ph around 5.5 do i really need to check ppm. Also should i be changing the res every 5-7-10 daysi have heard to do all of them and am wondering which is the best. PLease give some help any is betetr than none


Hey man, just commenting on your grow. Looking good.


Active Member
Ok so like i said 2 of the plants had a few roots sticking out the net pots and the other two had nothing (one because it was late forming roots in the rockwool but i saw formation of roots starting and the other one had same size roots as the first two but had no growth in roots or leaves after being transplanted) Well the two with a few little roots sticky out the net pot exploded over night and the roots grew like crazy they went from 1/8 of an inch out the botom of a net pot to a couple inches lol im very happy with there progress and they are growing fast. The one with late root formation actually has two roots sticky out the botom of the net pot now and is looking good the roots made it down through the clay pellets pretty fast considering 4 days ago there where no roots for that plant. However im sad to say the 4th plant the one with the yellow leaf Still has no leaf growth and the roots have not moved 1 bit this plant had roots the same size as my best two plants but when transplanted i must of done something becasue no growth has happened in the roots or the leaves for this plant. When i transplanted i made it so one little root was barley sticking out the botom of the net pot so i lifted the net pot up to check on its roots and the one little root had not grown at all and didnt look good. Anyway here are pictures of my new roots the two with lots of roots are my two that are going crazy and the one with the 2 little roots starting to stick out is the plant i was scared about becasue it had no root formation at transplant time but is now coming along nicely



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Plants are starting to take off now that the roots have hit the res. there is substantial growth everyday. I will be changing the res a little later today and will take some updated pics of them.


Well-Known Member
From the pic it LOOKs like a nitrogen deficiency but its hard to tell in those pics, maybe you could get a better one of just the one plant? it would be helpful if u could read your ppm but if you can read the plant it won't be neccesarry though you may end up chasing deficiencies til you learn the strain a little more, therwise they look happy. Ill be pullin up a chair for sure man, lookin way better than my first run at hydro. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Keep the 2 fastest growing and biggest plants and get rid of the others. 6 plants in one mothership is like 50 people in a elevator, too crowded. You will net just as much poundage with two plants as opposed to 6 plants and will have less work to do over all. I cover the empty spots with mylar backed board. I only grow 6 plants in my 18 site producer and can only manage 2 motherplants in the mommaship.

Everything looks good so far.


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Thanks for stopping by Sensi i will post some more pics tommorrow 3 of them are looking amazing and have grown alot since the last pics. Once the roots hit the res it was off to the races as people say. Anyway im changing the res tommorrow and will post the knew pics and the one u said you thought had the N problem hasnt grown one bit so i dont know if thats it becasue they were all on the same feeding schedule and the others are awsome and this one has just stopped in its tracks. Anyway will have some updates for you tommorrow. Once again thanks for stopping by


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Thanks for coming by NoDrama i appreciate the input. There are def two that are growing faster then the res but 3 of them look really good. The 4th is going bye bye tommorrow and the two that are not in the hydro set up were just vegging for a few days for my friend there going back to him tommorrow as well. Do you think 3 is to many?? I have 3 nice healthy plants that are growing great and i payed for the clones. I am also not meeping them as mothers as i have to move out in 3 months and need to finish up before i go. So i only plan on vegging for about another week or so then flowering. So since im vegging for such a short period do you think 3 will be fine or should i get rid of the 3rd and only keep 2? Thanks for the input and stopping by again i really appreciate it


Active Member
Ok guys its been about 7 days since i transplanted and 5 days since the roots came through the net pots and started hitting the res. Since the roots have hit the res there has been so much damn growth i cant believe they have grown this much in 5 days. I have been bending the plants over daily by hand and havent tied any of them down yet, but i do intend on tying them down so i can try and produce a larger yeild. I have never done any type of lst, suppercropping, or topping etc.etc.etc. So i am hoping it will turn out well and give me the yeild i desire. Please feel free to give some advice if you see me doing something wrong. Anyway the res was changed today and i used 3/4 strength nutrients. Using advanced nutrients so far i have only been using sensi grow A and sensi grow B (is this good enough for the nutes or should i go buy something else to go along with these?). Anyway here is some updated pics of the Blue Cheese. First two pics are plant 1 next two are plant 3 the next three are plant 2 and the last one is plant 3 again. They are all Blue cheese. PLant 1-2 started growing the same speed and are still the same size. Plant 3 is the plant that had no roots when transplanted but is starting to catch up niceley



Well-Known Member
I'm glad u got a better pic, leave her! It looks to me from last pic to this one that she was simply yellowing out as a result of rooting, u said the other two were rooted, this one just took a little longer to root I'm guessing, most of my blueberry strains start to yellow a bit while rootingg. This is just my guess on what happened but bro it looks like u got an uber healthy plant that is just slow to start, keep three, moveb then figure out what. Your really shooting for, they look healthy though man good job.


Active Member
Thanks for the info sensi! Sensei grow A says in the guaranteed Analysis that there is 2.55% Cal and .10% Mag and in Sensi grow part B it says there is .80% Mag but there is no Cal. Is this enough? I have some other stuff from other grws called callmagical that is Cal and Mag (obviously) should i add some of this or is Sensi A-B good enought??


Active Member
Ok so i figure i am going to Veg the plants for about 10 more days and then start flowering. The plants are taking well to the new res change so far and looking healthy. I noticed some leaves turned a little lighter green color but really nothing to worry about. Next wednesday will be 10 days since i changed the res and i am going to change the res again but add Sensi bloom A and B and switch lights to 12/12. My plants are taking well to the lst and tying down. The nodes are starting to grow the same hieght and the main stalk and get an even cannopy!! Here are some updated pictures of them. By the way i think i am going to be taking NoDramas advice and only keep my best two plants in there and i can just take my other ones to my roomates room to finish. So the two plants on the right will be kept in the box to give them ample room to grow and bud and the two on the left will be taken upstairs under a different hps light. Quick question the setup upstairs is not hydro how hard is it two switch the plants from hydro to soil? Roots are not tangled up with other plants roots or anything so it will be easy to get them out, i figure it cant be that hard, proboly just shock the plants for a few days. If you have some advice or see me doing something wrong or even if you just want to comment feel free to tell me please.



Well-Known Member
Ok so i figure i am going to Veg the plants for about 10 more days and then start flowering. The plants are taking well to the new res change so far and looking healthy. I noticed some leaves turned a little lighter green color but really nothing to worry about. Next wednesday will be 10 days since i changed the res and i am going to change the res again but add Sensi bloom A and B and switch lights to 12/12. My plants are taking well to the lst and tying down. The nodes are starting to grow the same hieght and the main stalk and get an even cannopy!! Here are some updated pictures of them. By the way i think i am going to be taking NoDramas advice and only keep my best two plants in there and i can just take my other ones to my roomates room to finish. So the two plants on the right will be kept in the box to give them ample room to grow and bud and the two on the left will be taken upstairs under a different hps light. Quick question the setup upstairs is not hydro how hard is it two switch the plants from hydro to soil? Roots are not tangled up with other plants roots or anything so it will be easy to get them out, i figure it cant be that hard, proboly just shock the plants for a few days. If you have some advice or see me doing something wrong or even if you just want to comment feel free to tell me please.
Sounds like a good game plan if u have the time, didn't mean to freak u out on the cal mag ? I was just curious. Get the rest out of the asap if that's what your doing the longer your 2 have that space to themselves the better. Transplanting isn't that hard, I personally would just cut it into a few clones but if your gonna transplant I'd give her a day with some vitamin b added to your res ( superthrive will work, be careful) then pull her out of the netpot being careful to remove as few roots as possible ( if it were me I'd cut the netpot apart) you can give the plant a decent tug and not harm too many roots. Afterwards water her into the soil with I little epsom salt, molasses, and vitamin bit ( real real light on all) for the next week or two keep the soil just a touch more moist than usual. It should recover just fine. I know people that rip em out bary them hit them with water and they do just fine I like using vitamin b a few times each cycle either way but I like the thought of reducing the shock as much as possible. I usually transplant these situations in a green light re submerging the roots every minute or two if I'm having to surgically remove a netpot. But I tend to overdo shit lol. Shell be just fine man. They look happy as hell man just keep doin what your doing unless they say otherwise and you should have some fire smoke to show off to us. Stay high :joint:


Active Member
Thanks again for the post sensi. I might take your advice on making them into clones. Like i said i have untill July 31st then i must be out of my place so if i veg 10 days and then flower 8-10 weeks it gives me 2-4 weeks to dry and get out of my house. So i think the time frame will work out just fine. Only problem with making the two other plants clones is the time factor i guess i have to make that decision asap if im making them clones and pretty much do no veg time. either way i will figure it out. Ya they look like they are loving life right now nice and green and a steady growth every day. The lst has really made a difference i have never done it before but now that i have i dont think i could do a grow without it. It is making the plants nice and bushy and taking up the space they have perfectly. The lower nodes are also shooting up to try and make an even cannopy and im getting so exicted. The one thing im so suprised about is the smell they are giving off at this early age. They smell stronger now then my last grow smelt during the end of harvest lol. Anyway thanks for the input keep it coming people, i like unput of any kind so i either know im doing things right or i can figure out what i need to change