Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership


Well-Known Member
My pleasure man. Crazy what good genetics can do eh? Lol I love gettin stank up in veg. Like I said though from what I can see everything looks good keep it up


Active Member
Thanks hopefully it turns out as good as it smells i wish i could post the smell on this thread like i post the pics lol!! Where you from sensi??


Well-Known Member
Get them out of the mothership before the roots get tangled with the other plants. Nothing sucks more than having roots get caught up in your drip system and causing slow growth. Sensi A&B will be just fine fro veg stage, for flowering a lil big bud or bloom blast will help the last few weeks. Otherwise a regimen of SensiBloom A&B and a few drops of superthrive should do it. You want to be especially vigilant of your PH during the flowering stage, give the meter a few minutes to correctly read and slowly adjust the PH. Gettin too far off of the correct PH of 5.5-6.0 can cause problems, some of the problems cannot be cured and will kill the plant.

when the plants are between 12 and 18 inches high will be a good time to flower, they grow incredibly fast the first month of flowering.


Active Member
Get them out of the mothership before the roots get tangled with the other plants. Nothing sucks more than having roots get caught up in your drip system and causing slow growth. Sensi A&B will be just fine fro veg stage, for flowering a lil big bud or bloom blast will help the last few weeks. Otherwise a regimen of SensiBloom A&B and a few drops of superthrive should do it. You want to be especially vigilant of your PH during the flowering stage, give the meter a few minutes to correctly read and slowly adjust the PH. Gettin too far off of the correct PH of 5.5-6.0 can cause problems, some of the problems cannot be cured and will kill the plant.

when the plants are between 12 and 18 inches high will be a good time to flower, they grow incredibly fast the first month of flowering.
Thanks No Drama ya i checked the roots yesterday and they are not tangled up and doesnt look like they will anytime soon but to make sure i will be taking the other two plants out tommorrow. The ph right now is like 5.6 so right on the money! I will be investing in some Big Bud (i heard it does wonders) and i also have overdrive from advanced nutrients, do you suggest this as well? I will begin flower i guess around 12-18 inches or in the next 10 days if they are not that tall by then since i am on a time frame. If i untied the plants they would probobly be about 12 inches but i tied them down so im guessing there about 8 right now. Anyway thanks for the info again NoDrama and i look forward to hearing back from you.


Well-Known Member
I'm from oregon, portland area, urself? I would definetly use the overdrive as well and nodrama again was spot on. Don't stress on ur ph (a lot of people kill their plants tryin to keep it perfect) but definetly double ur ph check once you switch, it can and possibly will happen overnight and u end up with no sun leaves and 6 weeks left lol.


Active Member
Going to buy a new and better ph meter tomm!! Do you suggest i buy a ppm reader as well or can i get buy without reading and controlling the ppm? I hear it both ways some people say you dont need to worry about the ppm just make sure ph is good and some people say that ppm is super important


Well-Known Member
If your spending the money I'd get a 2in 1 hanna or the like, u can get by without ppm easily but knowledge is power, the more you know the more detailed you notes will be and the more consistant your success can be, so in short yes I recommend buying one that's does both however it is not crucial.


Active Member
Yes i am going to spend some money but the less money i need to spend the better lol. My ph reader now sucks so i need to get one regardless. But i do not have alot of money to be spending on growing right now especially since i just spent 650 on the grow box and 100 on the clones. But new Ph pen will be bought tommorrow and some updated pics once i wake up and the lights come on


Active Member
Just thought about it since im going out tommorrow on a little shopping trip for the plants should i buy h2o2 for the res? I heard it is good for keeping the roots healthy and killing bad things in the res and it protects from root rot. Let me know what you think. All i have right now is sensi grow a,b sensi bloom a,b Overdrive and superthrive. So my list tommorrow is a New ph pen and can you guys think of anything else? Mabye the h202? Anything im missing?


Well-Known Member
Big bud, bud candy/ sweet some kind of molasses substitute and do not buy h2o2 at the hydro store, go to a grocery store and pick up a couple bottles of hydrogen peroxide(same stuff obviously but much cheaper). It may come in handy. If you keep your water temps 65-75 you should have no problems with root rot as in those temp zones 100% oxygenation is easy to acheive and it holds it very well, go much above and it doesn't matter how many bubbles you have ur preventing oxygen from basically saturating the water and staying there for any period of time that will be useful to your roots. Other than that if u have the cash a ppm/ph meter otherwise in the interest of budget I'd say your set (sensizyme is THE shit if you can fork out the money)


Active Member
What is sensizyme and how much is it?? I got some money to spend i just dont want to since i have been spending so much latley but if it is worth it and is worth the money then im always open to the idea as long as it pays out in the long run.


Well-Known Member
No problem, its not essential but it gives great results (doesn't have to be sensizyme, that one just fits into your line well)


Active Member
No problem, its not essential but it gives great results (doesn't have to be sensizyme, that one just fits into your line well)

H202 will kill any enzymes you put in your rez. So its pretty much either or. Unless you use a product called growzyme but very expensive so i dont recommend it for your grow.

Get a ppm meter even if its one of those ppm sticks for $100 bucks. This way u can always feed them right amount of nutes and monitor it in late flower when ppm likes to raise over 200 a day.


Well-Known Member
Oh snap! +rep for the school session. U just saved me from possibly making a mistake in the near future. It makes sense I just didn't even consider it, so yeah note: don't use sensizyme if you need to treat with h2o2, otherwise I'd use it all day,I would still pick up some peroxide so that u have it layin around if ya need it. I appologise for my ill advice.


Active Member
What is sensizyme and how much is it?? I got some money to spend i just dont want to since i have been spending so much latley but if it is worth it and is worth the money then im always open to the idea as long as it pays out in the long run.
I really like Sensizym, but don't use it with h2o2. I also used Turantula powder and Piranha powder from Advanced Nutrients. With those three products, I never had a problem with disease or rot on my first grow. Start with Sensizym though if you are on a budget.

If you go to ebay, you can find 1 liter of Sensizym for $34.99 with free shipping. If you use the BCNL nute schedule, you will probably go through two bottles. Here is a link to that ebay auction...

Warning: don't buy from the seller "Northerntradingpost". He repackages the AN products and offers better prices, but you don't know what you're getting. The product I received was diluted.


Active Member
Ok guys well i wish i would of checked this post before i went to the hydro shop but i guess it doesnt really matter now. The hydro shop sells nothing by Advanced nutrients which sucks casue i am going to need some more sensi bloom A,B. Anyway i picked up a new 100 dollar commercial ph stick to get solid readings on my ph. I also bought a bottle of Superthrive and last but not least i bought a thermomitor which has high and low temps and humidity i spent about 140 bucks 100 on ph stick 12 on superthrive and 24 on the thermomitor. Anyway i checked my roots today and they are sort of scarying me. They are turning a little brown (i know advanced nutrients will turn roots a little brown) But some of the ends look like there burnt on the smaller roots not the bigger ones just smaller ones. Anyway its not to bad and i really think im just overreacting and everything is fine. My res temps are actually colder then my room temp. Dont know how that is working. If res temps are cold is that really bad???? Anyway here is some pics of the roots and what the plants look like today. I took pics of the two plants im keeping and the two plants that are getting cut into clones so this will be the last time you see the 2 smaller plants. Also it says the temp is around 82.4 degrees and humidty is about 30 percent. Is that where it should be?? It is the hottest time of the day here right now so the temp will not getting any hotter then 82 i doubt

