Big Budda's Chiesel


Well-Known Member
So thats about time for an update on the Purp! No got any Pic's just now, but she is doing really well. Into its 8th week and the bud is going real dark purple. The big cola on top is starting to mature. Seems to clone good, and got 4 already potted, same with the green one but got alot more of them;>) Wot about this find Yesterday! I use this cardboard box to dry the bigger bits in once the smaller branches are ready for jars after hanging. Anyway, I knew I had left some popcorn in the box and even though far from out, I checked what was in there and guess what! The two main branches from the Green Chiesel, and that had been 5 days so were perfect for jarring and weighed 36 gram of the dankest weed!
So i'll get those Pic's took soon and get an up-date done



Well-Known Member
Yep, sure was! Just noticed they were the bits that were turning colour, and when smoked its got a nice fruit taste through it!
Sorry bout the Purp. up-date man, got lazy and lights off! @mor for-sure!



Well-Known Member
Yeah, just hooked up mwith DST, he loved my user name with the double meaning! Got mad Rep from him and Westy.
Got the up-date Pic's in cam and gonna upload asap!


Well-Known Member
So here we go as promised. Not too many Oic's as cam batt. was goin on me. And I just brought down te other Pineapple so added a couple Pi's from the harvest. DSC01491.JPGDSC01493.JPGDSC01448.JPGDSC01487.JPG Thats the Pineapple, good as ever! DSC01495.JPGDSC01497.JPGDSC01494.JPGDSC01498.JPGDSC01496.JPG And the Purple Chiesel. At near 9 weeks now and coming ready, just cant wait to do another run of it and grow them bigger! Here is some Pic's of my Veg. and cut's.DSC01501.JPGDSC01502.JPGDSC01503.JPGDSC01504.JPGDSC01500.JPGAs you can see my next run is already happening! In the second Pic can anybody tell me what they think it is? it was a bagseed, and some of the strongest weed I've grew! Not good Pic's, if it helps on the fan leaves the centre one is like oversized! Damn, the shie is got crystals covering the leaves in Veg!


Well-Known Member
Feel free to blow up the best of the bunch Don,G'n'T!
Hey Jambo,
I just grew some Chemchiesel - chemdawg and chiesel....there is a slight whiff of cheese coming through but I don't think I done it justice. They were by a new breader called devilsharvest. Just picked up there business card at the HTCC...
I am also growing his CaseyJones cut which has been entered into the Cup this they got some nice stuff for sure.

Catch ya ron lad,



Well-Known Member
Cheers DST, I'll deff. check them out! Thats that Purp. one at nearly 9 weeks, i dont have a scope, how long you think its got bro!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, got some good stuff there man! liking the sour smurf and the jon doe! Looked at their Chiesel and got to say mine looks better, I noticed their cross was a BBC father with the NYCD mother!


Well-Known Member
Cheers DST, I'll deff. check them out! Thats that Purp. one at nearly 9 weeks, i dont have a scope, how long you think its got bro!
Looks like it is finishing off. Have you flushed it yet? Most of the hairs seem to be receding (a sure sign of old age, haha) It's funny though when you have a strain that grows the foxtailing, they always seem to produce more stigmas in the last couple of weeks. I think a week after a flush and that'll be good to go (for me anyway)

Yeah, got some good stuff there man! liking the sour smurf and the jon doe! Looked at their Chiesel and got to say mine looks better, I noticed their cross was a BBC father with the NYCD mother!
I have a couple of John Doe seeds (named after the Radio DJ in the US btw), and also tried their Dazey Jones (was given them as samples when he was starting off) But the Dazey were all male so I didn't get a chance to see what that was like. You can see some of the guys grows on THCfarmer.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it is finishing off. Have you flushed it yet? Most of the hairs seem to be receding (a sure sign of old age, haha) It's funny though when you have a strain that grows the foxtailing, they always seem to produce more stigmas in the last couple of weeks. I think a week after a flush and that'll be good to go (for me anyway)

Yeah, thats the pistils on the towers receding now, at 8 weeks I thought it was never gonna come ripe! 2mor will be 9 weeks, been flushing with just mollaces and water from week 8 and just water for the last week. So its had a flush! Because it was kept in a small pot, and not much gonna come off her, its only the bud's other than the top, thats went deep Purp. I think when I do another run and BIGGER there will be some nice differences!
Anyway, must be getting that stoned way that im starting to blabble so i'll give tou a rest mate lol, take care man!

I have a couple of John Doe seeds (named after the Radio DJ in the US btw), and also tried their Dazey Jones (was given them as samples when he was starting off) But the Dazey were all male so I didn't get a chance to see what that was like. You can see some of the guys grows on THCfarmer.
By the way, these sound like fire! Pitty bout the Dazey. I will check out the farmer!



Well-Known Member
When you said the classic cheese structure, was that the plant in Veg.? Thats the Green one!
I was asking DST about when to chop her? Thats 9 weeks 2mor, had a week with just mollasses and just water the last week. No got a Scope or Mag. glass to check trich's. But thats the pistils on the towers receding now and no new flowers coming! Just wanted your 2 pence worth mate!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye you could take em now no probs depends on the high your looking for really man.

yeah the vegging one the viney structure of it is cheese or SK1 trait. i bet she stinks even in veg, reet?