Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs


Well-Known Member
Sorry it's been so long I've updated. :oops: I used to browse through RIU and hate the threads that ended mid-growth, so I'm gonna try and not be that guy... It's been exactly 4 weeks since the last post... so... here it goes:

The good news is that the Blue Cheese is looking dank as fuck. I've kept her lower branches pretty trimmed, so she's basically got seven branches, five of which are kind of main cola-esque. As you can see from the pics, she has bud sites popcorned all over her.

I had a gnat problem but got some neem oil and.. BOOM!, no gnats. Geekin69 hooked it up with some mylar, which we put up today. We also moved the plant to the corner of the closet to maximize reflectivity. We also just picked up some mollasis so give it in the next watering.

The plant had some nute burnage, so I semi-flushed it, so now it looks over-watered as well.

Other than that, she is crystally as HELL. She's covered in resin glands and the nugs are dense and sticky too! Some of the nugs even have a few pink pistils.

All in all she's doing great considering the nute-burnage, overwattering, and likely heat stress that she's gone through. Hopefully she'll rebound and plump up.

I'll keep you guys a little better updated... my bad. I'll also add a few more pics a little later.

lookin good my man keep it up:blsmoke:


Active Member

The current setup in closet

Plant from front.

Fan removed, MYLAR!!

Group of buds

Shrooms I keep getting in my soil.

Approximate size of one of the main-ish colas.



Active Member
Sorry i havent updated in a while. Due to security reasons we moved Blue Cheese to a different location. The apartment complex said they were doing an "inspection" of all the apartments, so I decide it would be better to move it than risk it. I cant go its new location as much as I'd like but i should have some pics up soon. In her new location shes sharing a 250w HPS, instead of CFLs, which will hopefully pack on some extra weight in its final weeks of flowering..
