Well-Known Member
i guess i should put the #3/// but its bruce banner #3 the best cut of the group... ahh maphisto needs a hobbie as well. might i suggest crochet for you ladies.. since you 4 seem to need panties... i figure you guys can make your own uncomfortable panties for each other.
your a lilttle boy talking a bunch of shitz you wouldn't DARE say that to my face or anyother one of these guys face!Im surprised you still have your front teeth the way you talk..and i know your genetics suck i just called one of the best clone only spots in the Valley P.O. and asked if they carry your gear and there response was ''no its just not that good" i also remember when GAM was around and they didn't want your trash!!This is Los Angeles baby we only want the best!!you can only fool people for so long with your wack ass im sure your gonna go run to the mods and have this deleted your a punk swerve if i ever see ya around im gonna hit ya up hommie!!