big buddha cheese pics


Well-Known Member
ok guys some more pics, im 8 weeks into flowering now
i think its going to be time soon to start flushing, im gonna wait a week to see how she does
do you guys think that sounds right, about a week ill start my final 2 week before harvest flush
cuz i think shes gettin close to done because the leaves are starting to get burnt tips and shit like that so i think im close
any ideas would be greatly appreciated and replys too haha
ok here she is



Well-Known Member
ok guys just found somethin
i looked at the trichs usin my microscope and found that some of them were already turning milky, and some were completely milky
u guys think i should flush within the next couple days


New Member
Id start flushing when the leaves start turning deficient.....i didnt know u were at 8 weeks already....thought it was more like 6 or 7
anyways u will know when its ready to chop...the total appearance will change


Well-Known Member
Thanks Moash, that sounds like the best thing to do, it makes sense haha.
So ill do that, and if anybody else has any ideas feel free to tell me haha.


Well-Known Member
hey paddy how ya been man, long time no talking
yeah i like the turnout of this plant, smells really nice
just checked the chat room but you werent on, maybe tomorrow
what do you think about when i should start flushing, you know everything haha


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i woke up and looked at the plant and noticed that the leaves are dying and getting yellow pretty fast now
you guys think its time to flush now
i just dont wanna do it too early or too late, so if a couple ppl could get back to me maybe and let me know what yas think


Well-Known Member
hey guys shes 8 weeks in now and i just flushed her today.
so im gonna be two weeks from harvest because i think shes almost ready anyway.

I looked at the trichs and some of them were milky already, so im gonna have a good mix of amber and milky trichs.

These pics are like before and after pics, i cut some of the leaves off that were pretty much dead.

And also i got a new 68 watt cfl 2700k from home depot for 14.95, good deal.
Its pretty freakin big as you can see.
Ok guys heres some pics



Well-Known Member
Tnaks man, it is lookin really reall really really really tasty, haha
when you hang your bud to dry do you keep most of the big parts to hang, or do you cut them up a little
also it is good to have a fan circulating at mostly all times during drying right?
but i know its not good to have the fan blowing right onto the drying buds

do you think i should just not use my fans when drying??


New Member
i hang them as whole pieces for about a week(depends).......then cut nugs to fit in curing jars and dry until preferred smoke is reached
also u should be feeding plain water(or with molasses) until harvest,not just yesterday
and yeah have a fan circulating air,but not directly on the plant....itll dry more evenly


Well-Known Member
ok thanks moash, im gonna do what you say and hang them as a whole cuz i know your an exerienced grower.
good advice im gonna put this in my notes.
when do you usually take them down to start curing, when the stem almost snaps or when it is still a little bendy.?
also do you use the paper bag method i was jw, if you can tell me i would appreciate it
thanks moash


New Member
i dry mine til the outside of bud is dry feeling and the stem snaps
i have never done the paperbag method,so i cant really say
i also trim my plants before i dry