Big cannabis growers urge senators to ban commercial outdoor growing


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Canada’s medical cannabis industry is making a push in the Senate to ban large-scale outdoor cannabis cultivation.

Allan Rewak, the executive director of the Cannabis Canada Council, an industry association that represents licensed producers of medical marijuana, urged senators Wednesday to prohibit large-scale outdoor cultivation in the government’s pot legalization legislation.

He said allowing it presents a “heightened degree of risk for diversion into the illegal market place.” It also raises concerns about the dangers of unintentional exposure to agricultural pesticides and cross-pollination.

Bruce Linton, the head of Canopy Growth Corp., agreed. He said outdoor cultivation “may have a future sometime, but I don’t think it’s today.”

He added it “sidesteps all the benefits” of the current supply chain system.

Under a current Health Canada regulatory proposal, the Liberal government’s cannabis legalization framework would allow licensed pot producers to grow cannabis outdoors. Currently, commercial outdoor production is not allowed.

Earlier this month, New Brunswick’s Health Minister Benoît Bourque made a similar plea to the same Senate committee studying Bill C-45. He shared the same concerns as producers, but also argued that allowing indoor growing could level the economic playing field across Canada.

“We think that indoor cultivation will allow all regions of Canada, including New Brunswick, to benefit from investments in cannabis production facilities,” Bourque told senators studying the legislation. “That way, the benefits will not be limited to regions with a climate that makes outdoor production viable.”

But others have previously made the push for the government to open up outdoor pot cultivation to reduce the carbon footprint of growing weed indoors.

In April, Jonathan Page, a UBC professor and CEO of the cannabis company Anandia Labs, told senators indoor growing creates “significant power needs.”

“There are significant environmental costs to indoor production, including electricity usage,” he said. “Outdoor production can mitigate some of these problems and should be considered an option.”

“For larger commercial production, I’m sure that Health Canada will mandate sufficient security requirements to protect outdoor crops from theft and diversion.”

The federal government’s consulting task force had recommended Ottawa should allow for outdoor commercial growing with “adequate security requirements” in order to “limit the environmental impact of the cannabis industry.”

Eric Costen, the director general of Health Canada’s Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat, said in March the government has been giving “close consideration” to the issue and how it would “minimize the risks” of diversion and other problems, while “at the same time allowing for the benefits of outdoor cultivation.”

“There are a number of regulatory safeguards, such as perimeter fencing for large-scale growers, video surveillance activities… intrusion detection systems,” he said during a media teleconference when the regulations were announced.

The government wants to legalize cannabis this summer. The medical cannabis producers who testified Wednesday, unsurprisingly, said the bill is “good public policy” and should be moved through the Senate “as quickly as reasonably possible.”

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too funny....smoke our LP cannabis.....=...good
even funnier....smoke BM weed...........=...bad

I hope the LP crowd like kraft dinner while we eat steak.
If your in the LP industry...I hope you starve.
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Basically they know their overhead is a major deterrence to them being competitive in the market, quality being the other. Commercial grows under the sun being the cheapest overhead business model for cannabis makes them the biggest threat to these clowns who thought that spending a fortune automatically equates to an amazing product they think people would overpay for.

Hence demonize the fiscal threat. Same thing they did with patient home grows and what theyre currently doing for rec home grows.
It was a war declared 4 years ago.......I had to scream that ever since. I see some folks are getting it finally.
Act accordingly everyone.

Your being attached....duh!
theye are forgetting THOUSANDS MORE folks will be growing FAR FAR MORE this year as well lol...
ya cant stop the train that has been full steam ahead for the passed 60,,
fuckers are gonna get left in the dust!
this guy gets it lol

"SoiledyetGreen 6 points 3 hours ago*

Allan Rewak is utterly full of shit.

The real reason is in the short-term it undermines their own sales and is simply competition for low-grade weed.

In the long-term, you can grow hectares of cannabis, then extract all the cannabinoids you want for extracts, pharma/med, edibles, etc. etc. for a much lower cost.

Even if outdoor weed is low-grade flower for smoking, it's just as good for extracts, and other such stuff.

Clearly Mr. Rewak was thinking that all their indoor shit would supply that market?

LOL at the bullshit.

I guess if our own government can feed us bullshit stories about cannabis, why can't industry mis-lead government with their own bullshit stories too?


Earlier this month, New Brunswick’s Health Minister Benoît Bourque made a similar plea to the same Senate committee studying Bill C-45. He shared the same concerns as producers,

Given NB Gov's "Uber-pro" position on creating a cannabis industry in their province, NB's position on the matter is just as suspect as Rewak's, and Canopy Growth's.

Why in Canada do we rely upon industry to be the "experts to advise government" when industry are the one's who will benefit from the position they push on the Government? Fuck this shit! This whole legalization debacle had turned into nothing more than a window into how corrupt Canada really is when it comes to government and industry. I'm both intrigued by the opportunity to witness the "breaking of the dam" and all the posturing and propaganda, and corruption, as I am utterly disgusted as a citizen."
It’s obvious that LP sales are gonna fall way short of expectations. Although it will be comical to see them crash, my concern is...that’s when they will lobby twice as hard to shutdown the BM. As long as Dr.’s and Hellth Canada are handing out 100g/day outdoor licenses (which in turn fuels the BM), the LP’s will be spending $M’s fighting that competition.
It’s obvious that LP sales are gonna fall way short of expectations. Although it will be comical to see them crash, my concern is...that’s when they will lobby twice as hard to shutdown the BM. As long as Dr.’s and Hellth Canada are handing out 100g/day outdoor licenses (which in turn fuels the BM), the LP’s will be spending $M’s fighting that competition.
Maybe it will fund the BM to fgt back
Leaggly like lol
those guys are full of shit. they better not listen to those self serving liars.. i can't wait until they fail miserably.. spending hundreds of millions of dollars doesn't mean your product is worth any more. i think most of shiTweeds sales go to germany for medical, and eventually they'll get tired of being ripped off for garbage quality and have their own grows then sales will plummet even more.