Big Flies, Harmless? Counter-Attack?


Active Member
They're nobodys personal army ofcourse, but that dont mean they dont have people in the personal and private information area of expertise. I'm not threatening this board at all, nore was i threatening anybody individually. It was just a retort to anybody seeking my Personal or Private info, cause i've been on the negative side of a hack and have acquired useful friends. All i'm sayin is the AIM name is nothing, and for those who feel it's enough, i got something also.

Friends in low places, that you've obviously herd of. Now that my points across I'll edit.


New Member
you're just a jerk, no one wants to help a jerk, btw their f*cking flies there's like 100 ways to get rid of them and you don't know one, and YOU got an attitude that's just rich hardy har har