Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

Yo Dux..... We call them flounder down here. But no I don't eatem.

We have a early deer gun week for veterans. Here's my kill, feeder went off at 7, round went off at 7 15

Nice eating!! Just got in from the bow stand myself, only had 1 yearling come by along with a skunk and 2 turkeys.33 deg, fall is coming fast!

Are you sure you shot your deer during daylight? Nice light:mrgreen:
Halibut are actually a voracious predator - some of my salmon seining buddies have talked of watching 100 ish pounders chasing down and inhaling pink salmon in Bull kelp.
Hell I thought they were catfish of the ocean! I've only caught them with charters and bouncing bottom with herring, similar to a Lindy rig with a 2lb weight instead of a 3\8oz :mrgreen:
The fisher is hella cool!
I've trapped an ass load of Pine Martin (AKA Russian Sable) in the past & only seen one in the wild (that wasn't in a trap).

Wascaptain, any butter fried back strap yet?
I'm starting to get anxious to whack one!
I didn't deer hunt last year, wasted too much time with ducks but I think venison is fabulous eating..