BIG GROW 85 clones! need help!


Ok guyz i downsized my 125 clones in bags to 85 in pots because of space issues...

-The room is about 14.5ft x 9ft x 7.9ft high

-the grow area for the 85 clones is
6.8ft x 9ft x 7.9ft high

-im runing 4x1000w hps with 4 lumenair6 reflectors 25” x 17” x 8” with the glass and 6" entry,all the piping and and heat smell ect goes outside

-im doing 4 weeks veg /4 weeks flow(production strain) using general flow/grow food nothing major..i got a ppm meter this time to be more precise

-my pots are 9.5'' wide and 9"deep
-my question..Is the lights overkill for the area or a will have have not far from the same results with 3 lights and around how much yeild can i expect i want to see if i can push it to a bit more plants ?????

i will post pics of the finish room as soon as the clones are in the pots :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey you might need bigger pots. 1 gal per 1 foot. you should veg them a max two weeks and start flowering.
you have a good setup so make it work.
4flow? its usual 6-9weeks( 42-65 days)of flowering+veg... dont bud for less then that for indicas( unless ripe!! 60%+red/orange) but sativa can go a lot longer.
if your planing on using those for moms save yourself the work and plant them in bigger containers or go hyrdo
do it a SOG consitering you dont have much space.... veg for a week and get a crop in 9 weeks. They may seem small now or in a week, but they will finish at 2-3.5 feet. you should put two stand fans mixing the air and maybe a outtake to get the huminity down. those lights have glass over them right? that only takes the heat from the lights...not the wet air that will cause mold


Thanks a lot mr smiley face and yes i know too much math but since i dont have much time to many harvest i really want it to do it as right as possible and maximize my results and yes it makes it less fun but ill do a fun grow later. i will defenatly post pictures !


Well-Known Member
sounds like ur doing a sea of green? if so, step the pots up to about 2 gallons, veg the clones for two weeks and flower. KEEP ALL THE LIGHTS! sounds like you have a awesome grow in the making. if your not going sea of green, you will soon find that you should be in that amount of space with that many plants. happy growing


Well-Known Member
sounds like ur doing a sea of green? if so, step the pots up to about 2 gallons, veg the clones for two weeks and flower. KEEP ALL THE LIGHTS! sounds like you have a awesome grow in the making. if your not going sea of green, you will soon find that you should be in that amount of space with that many plants. happy growing
First of all if your going to use 2 gallon pots... use 2 galllon grow bags that are worth about a quarter. I suggest you use 3 gallon pots when veging for two weeks and 2gallons for veg 1 week.
round pots are preferd for 3 gallons because your going to have to sprend them out when you veg for two weeks.
make sure you put the timmer to 12/12.. run your lights at night so 8pm to 8 am. Its much cooler and easier to maintain proper temp. if you run them at day your going to have some heat problems if you dont add an OUTTAKE! thats the only thing your missing. Do a soilless mix ph balanced like PRO MIX OR SUNSHINE MIX. Then give them a complete hyrdoponic recipe. ask your local store or find one on here.
you pretty much do ratios of 3-2-1 or 1-2-3.
Veg would be 3(grow)2(Micro)1(bloom).
Flowering would be 1(grow)2(micro)3(bloom)
1-2-3-tablespoons per 1 galllon of water
a 50gallon barrel would be 50tbsp-100tbsp-150tbsp for flowering.

it would be 3-2-1...50gallon barrel would be 150tbsp-100tbsp-50tbsp for veg
i put 4 ounces of diamond necter everying time i juice them.. for 80 plants give them about a 1/4 barrel each time. so about a barrel a week..


Well-Known Member
First of all if your going to use 2 gallon pots... use 2 galllon grow bags that are worth about a quarter. I suggest you use 3 gallon pots when veging for two weeks and 2gallons for veg 1 week.
round pots are preferd for 3 gallons because your going to have to sprend them out when you veg for two weeks.
make sure you put the timmer to 12/12.. run your lights at night so 8pm to 8 am. Its much cooler and easier to maintain proper temp. if you run them at day your going to have some heat problems if you dont add an OUTTAKE! thats the only thing your missing. Do a soilless mix ph balanced like PRO MIX OR SUNSHINE MIX. Then give them a complete hyrdoponic recipe. ask your local store or find one on here.
you pretty much do ratios of 3-2-1 or 1-2-3.
Veg would be 3(grow)2(Micro)1(bloom).
Flowering would be 1(grow)2(micro)3(bloom)
1-2-3-tablespoons per 1 galllon of water
a 50gallon barrel would be 50tbsp-100tbsp-150tbsp for flowering.

it would be 3-2-1...50gallon barrel would be 150tbsp-100tbsp-50tbsp for veg
i put 4 ounces of diamond necter everying time i juice them.. for 80 plants give them about a 1/4 barrel each time. so about a barrel a week..

annnd why are you quoting me


Well-Known Member
ive been growing since 14...wasnt that irrelevant for me to say?
yes you are right, bigger bag = bigger plants...however, hes doing 85 clones in a restricted area(which is why i suggested small bag sog)! you think he really has room for large leafy plants soaking up the light? just asking you bc u have so much expertise.
bud fox, as far as nutes you should try fox farm or sumthin, they are simple to use and work great. but whatever kinda nutes you get, EASE your plants onto them, dont just do the suggested feeding the bottle says, start with less

strain stalker

New Member
...Hmmmm. Well, doing a sea of green in a small space like that, I'd suggest lollipop'n your plants, and prunin' the large fan leaves.

Here is a good read for you :

How much will I yield?
"I have XXX much will I yield?" or "How can I get
bigger yields?"

A common inquiry. From ambitious new gardeners and for good
reason too. But, this is really a loaded question that doesn't
have a definite answer. It seems one of the first assumptions by
new gardeners is that loads of light automatically equals loads
of buds. Unfortunately, it's just not that simple. Yield is
equally contingent on a number of factors; light, temperature,
humidity, water, nutrients, CO2/ventilation, genetics, etc. Think
of it as an engine, with each factor of cultivation representing
a single piston, sure the engine will run if some of the
cylinders are misfiring or not firing at all, but to yield the
most power from that engine, all cylinders must be firing in sync
and at maximum capacity.

Temperature. Most cannabis plants will slow or cease growth when
temp's get above 85F, or below 65f. Optimal lights-on temp for
most strains is about 72-78F, with 5-10 degrees cooler during the
dark period being a good rule of thumb. (Unless co2 is used)

Humidity. Cannabis does best around 45%-55% RH (relative
During veg and late flower, however letting it drop lower during
the final two weeks of flower is advised, as it will help prevent
mould problems.

Water/moisture. Cannabis generally doesn't like "wet feet", or a
soggy environment, so it's very important to have a fast draining
soil/soil-less mix (or well aerated solution in a hydro garden).
Wet or damp conditions can also lead to mould problems during

Nutrients. Cannabis will require a variety of nutrients at
varying NPK ratios during its existence. NPK stand for; nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)-the three major nutrients
used by plants. Simply put, your plants will need a fertilizer
with more N than P and K during vegetative growth and fertilizer
with more P than N and K during flowering. Using any well-known
quality fertilizer applied per instruction @ ½ strength is a good
place to start. Organic, chemical, or somewhere in-between is
another choice to be made and is a totally personal one. There is
a plethora of fertilizers on the market, but the best fertilizer
is the one that's used properly.

CO2/ventilation. Plants require CO2. There is sufficient CO2 in
our atmosphere to support massive bud growth, but when growing
inside you must either have adequate ventilation (the volume of
the room exhausted at least once/5 minutes) to ensure that there
is a constant supply of fresh, CO2 enriched air or one must have
supplemental CO2, which requires higher temp's and more nutrients
to be utilized effectively.

Light. Typically, the more the merrier, but more light will
create stronger water, nutrient, and CO2 demands on the plants.
You must also have the proper spectrum of lighting as well as a
means of efficiently reflecting as much of the light as possible
into the garden's canopy. The norm is to use more bluish light
(Metal Halide, cool-white fluorescents) for vegetative growth and
more reddish (High Pressure sodium, warm fluoro's) light for
flowering. Though it's possible to grow great buds under
fluorescent lighting and a few will even argue their superiority
to HID's, most indoor growers use High Intensity Discharge lights
such as MH and HPS, and many use fluoro's for vegetative growth
and HPS for flowering. It's very important to have the light as
physically close to the canopy as possible without burning the
foliage and still allowing for even coverage.Many new growers
believe that "Droppin the light" closer to the plant will be
beneficial. Besides heat stress, the bulb puts out radiant energy
that causes leaf burn (Note it is possible to complete a grow
using just HPS or MH)

Genetics. Its an easily overlooked factor. Some strains simply
have the potential to yield more than others. Having a
heavy-yielding strain doesn't automatically equal big yields,
either. It only means that the potential for heavy yields is
there. The grower must provide the optimum environment for that
particular strain in order for it to be able to reach it's yield
potential, and each strain has slightly unique requirements.
Also, within a strain there are usually several phenotypes, each
of which will exhibit unique characteristics which is to say that
some pheno's of a particular strain will weigh more than others.
Plant/root/container size. Obviously, the longer a plant is
veg'd, the bigger it will get and the more it will yield. Almost
always overlooked because they're unseen are the roots. Root mass
is directly related to bud production. Simply put, the more roots
you have the more bud you will (potentially) have. Be sure to
always allow plenty of space for the roots to grow and spread
out, even more-so in soil A general rule of thumb is 1 gallon of
soil for every foot of plant height. This is also the reason I posted
the thread about air-layering, titled bigger yeilds for your plants.

Scrog/Sog/Vertical gardens
These systems have a higher g/w/time yield than comparable large
plant system over the same time period.
Grower's skill. Growers can add yield by: using additives (like
B1, kelp, enzymes), foliar feeding, and topping/FIM/
In addition. Tricks like keeping nutrients and the air temps warm
during night cycle can help final yield. Although it's a topic of
hot debate, it's generally thought that any system that supplies
the roots with maximum oxygen (aeroponics) would outperform a
system that restricts 02 input such as (soil).

So, as you can see there's much more to yield than throwing some
plants under tons of light with tons of nutes. Before one becomes
too concerned with yield, one must first learn how to grow plants
well, learn how to "listen" to the plants and give them just what
they need. It's best to start with simpler methods, in fact, I
think the simpler method is always the better one. Learn how to
grow strong, healthy, fast-growing plants and the yields will


Well-Known Member
yea so 1 week veg would be good for that room with 2 gallon bags or pots... Just prune at the end of week 4 of flowering.
Fox farm isnt to popular where i come from... advanced nutes and GH are popular.. i used alot of differnt stuff those. i do other additives like kool bloom,karboost,rhinoskin,hyrdoboost,1-2-3set,Pureblendbloom+,10,30,20,topload,aussietonic and diamond nectar. I make a recipe for 1 barrel twice a week, I make them in weeks of 8.. The first recipe gave me an idea of it all and i just perfected it for kush.... Lower the chemical nutes the first three weeks and then continue on the old recipe.
The recipe is for organic beds mixed with a soilless mix for an abundance and fed a complete recipe. The beds consist of bat shit,rare earth, oxycal,wormcastings