Big Island Bag Seeds - First Stealth/CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Day #27 my Indica is still short and slow. Most likely my doing but hey, she's not dead.

2012-02-08 07.07.25.jpg

No longer suffers from nutrient burn but her sister does. I've dressed lime into my soil a few days ago. Also saw a few tiny flies today, killed those rat bastards...

Also, I've resorted to torturing the girl I brought in from outside with LST and (if she makes it) some supercropping. She isn't doing well so I figure, not much to lose.


Well-Known Member
Day #27 my Indica is still short and slow. Most likely my doing but hey, she's not dead.

View attachment 2046426

No longer suffers from nutrient burn but her sister does. I've dressed lime into my soil a few days ago. Also saw a few tiny flies today, killed those rat bastards...

Also, I've resorted to torturing the girl I brought in from outside with LST and (if she makes it) some supercropping. She isn't doing well so I figure, not much to lose.
lookin good. is this the one that was always indoors or did u switch them around and took in the outdoor one and put the one that got messed up during transplant outside?

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Lookin good for a first grow dude. Keep it up, I really wanna see the rseults from some Hawaii bagseed lol. Peace


Well-Known Member
hows the outdoor one looking.
She's sufferin' bro, I dressed her with dolomite lime twice and she still suffers this nutrient burn/deficiency. I fear I may have been aiming at the wrong problem but either way, she is still chuggin' along.

2012-02-09 07.11.01.jpg2012-02-09 07.04.50.jpg

All her new growth looks great though... The FIM worked well.

Here is my indo girl, she has begun flowering on Day #28.

2012-02-09 07.06.31.jpg2012-02-09 07.06.09.jpg

Whether or not you can see her white hairs, you can take my word for it. Gotta find some cheap odor control soon, I think I'm going to grab a bottle of ONA gel and try that shit out. No room really for a filter atm, trying to scrounge together money for a tent... Alas, Aloha.


Well-Known Member
no we can see it, clearly a female....congrats brotha!!! u going to throw the screen back up soon or??!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Hilo-
How are things? The outdo bugger is getting some leafminers yeah? You can try to use some companion planting to help with that, put the girly next to a tomato or amaranth. Can also kill them with a pin if they really bother you.

Ona works great, do you really need it already?

If you do decide to go with the netting it needs to be higher than you had it. Keep an eye on your growing point and see if you FIM'd or topped..

All the best.....


Well-Known Member
Ah man I wish I could've left the screen in but I'd much rather do it with a plant I'd veg. I've resorted to FIMming my indoor girl because the screen/LST would cause problems. I'm sure FIM will do the trick anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Hi Hilo-
How are things? The outdo bugger is getting some leafminers yeah? You can try to use some companion planting to help with that, put the girly next to a tomato or amaranth. Can also kill them with a pin if they really bother you.

Ona works great, do you really need it already?

If you do decide to go with the netting it needs to be higher than you had it. Keep an eye on your growing point and see if you FIM'd or topped..

All the best.....
Going pretty good man. Yea shes getting wrecked, I have a tomato plant outside so I'll give that a try.

I don't need Ona yet, but I'd like to have it handy for when it does start smelling.

Thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
Been busy lately, I believe I FIM'd rather than topped them, but I may be wrong. I've managed to kill all the leaf tunnelers, thank you Surfd for pointing them out and for the tips!
Day #32
Day 32 (1).jpgDay 32 (2).jpg2012-02-13 07.20.50.jpg

First two are of the indo girl, last of my recovering outdo. Have a good one...
The bindings you see in the third picture are to open up the leaves a bit. The top of the main stem has two nice tops coming out and they needed more room/light.


Well-Known Member
yea wat ever u did its goin to work out for u. the indoor one looks real nice keep it up. the outdoor one aint to shabby i bet it still puts out like a lil skanky girl even with the nute burn and shit.


Well-Known Member
yea wat ever u did its goin to work out for u. the indoor one looks real nice keep it up. the outdoor one aint to shabby i bet it still puts out like a lil skanky girl even with the nute burn and shit.
Lol yea I hope so.

Day #33

2012-02-14 07.10.52.jpg2012-02-14 07.12.22.jpg2012-02-14 07.10.00.jpg2012-02-14 07.10.15.jpg

First two are pure indo, second is the outdo girl. Aloha

Upon looking closer, the second picture is a bit misleading. It looks as though something has grown from the FIM location, but nothing has yet.


Well-Known Member
LOL no its not misleading. you just mislead urself. it looks to me that u did a top instead of a fim. dont worry all isnt lost yet if u wanted 4 tops or more. u would have to tie thoses two tops down, let the bottom grow up to where ur tops are now and release the ties. do me a huge favor. take a picture just like picture number 2, but the other side of the plant. i do see a possible third top. do that for me asap.


Well-Known Member
trust me thou 3 tops will be narley if u got it. the buds from topping are usually bigger then buds when u fim so if u got three u will be right in the middle and that would be mint!


Well-Known Member
nice cant wait to see. theres going to be 3 equal nice size top coals. make sure to do everything u can to keep those top 3 colas the same size. dont let the main 2 get bigger then smaller one to the size. good stuff bro