big mess up


Active Member
ok so was at a buddys n he just started growing. but for some reason he was impatient with 1 of the plants so he dug up the soil with his hand to look for the germinated seed. but he couldnt find it... so now he lost a germinated seed in his 5gallon grow pot and he put another seed in the middle without germinating it.
so hes got 2 seeds in 1 pot. but he mixed the soil around hard before he put in the other seed. is he looking at a dead plant or is both guna grow. what should he do about this.
he did i think. he just took his hand and mixed up the soil so the seed is definetly lost lol will his other seed still grow good or will they both grow or will the lost 1 fuck up the new seed

Oh so he should take the new seed he put in out?
Put it in party cups first poke a few holes at the bottom for drainage and the 5 gallon pot if you have space spread it out thinish on the on the floor or something and wait till the seed pops up.
i think ur misreading me or i dont get u. most likley i dont get u cuz. but my budy said he cant dump it on the floor cuz hes got carpet
i think ur misreading me or i dont get u. most likley i dont get u cuz. but my budy said he cant dump it on the floor cuz hes got carpet

Can't he go outside, or is under house arrest? Does he have carpet in the kitchen too? Oh, lemme guess, he's living at home and growing in his parent's place. Am I right?