490,685 56% Yes
374,785 43% No
In spite of problems with some polling stations and the oppositions putting out half a million dollars campaign to stop it. Oklahoma Medical Marijuana program, the least restrictive program in the US finally passes.
1. Consume marijuana legally;
2. Legally possess up to three (3) ounces of marijuana on their person;
3. Legally possess six (6) mature marijuana plants;
4. Legally possess six (6) seedling plants;
5. Legally possess one (1) ounce of concentrated marijuana;
6. Legally possess seventy-two (72) ounces of edible marijuana; and
7. Legally possess up to eight (

ounces of marijuana in their residence.
Possession of up to one and one-half (1.5) ounces of marijuana by persons who can state
a medical condition, but not in possession of a state issued medical marijuana license, shall constitute a
misdemeanor offense with a fine not to exceed Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00)
Now hopefully, Scary Mary doesn't fuck it up